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Mira Grant
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Dead Discussions > Feed by Mira Grant

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message 1: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
Feed won in the poll for May's 1st Group Read! Discuss it here! :)

message 2: by Helen (new)

Helen I have this on my kindle ready to read.

message 3: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube | 2393 comments Mod
Helen wrote: "I have this on my kindle ready to read."

I have it on my Nook. lol I was going to read it, but then I started watching "Game of Thrones" and now I need to read the series, which I started last night. lol

message 4: by Mawgojzeta (new)

Mawgojzeta Just got the book, so should start it this week.

message 5: by Helen (new)

Helen Is it scary like Hands and Teeth or will I be able to read and sleep?

message 6: by Veronica (new)

Veronica (veraj121) This book seems interesting. I will pick it up.

message 7: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth (elizabeth8921) | 2233 comments It is unusual to say the least!

message 8: by Patricia (new)

Patricia (pg4003) | 148 comments I just started reading this today at lunch time. Very different, I must say. M, you say there are zombies??? Hmmm, I don't know if I'll stick with this one. I ventured away from my comfort zone and have read 2 books about Fey, supernatural and all that and I'm liking that, but zombies, I don't know about that. Makes me think of this computer game my grandson plays called Plants vs. Zombies where their heads are falling off and eyeballs falling out....

message 9: by Helen (new)

Helen ooh yuk Patricia! I enjoyed Hands and Teeth and Dead Tossed Waves but needed to finish before sleeping so the characters were safe!

message 10: by Helen (new)

Helen No zombie is coming near my darling puss-cats!

message 11: by Elvia (new)

Elvia (elvb) I liked this book. I liked the techy aspect of it. Also, the way zombies came about...very interesting. I have the next one on my tbr shelf.

After I read it, I was very interested in reading more zombie books. lol

message 12: by Patricia (new)

Patricia (pg4003) | 148 comments I'm glad you guys liked this book but I'm sorry to say I'm giving up on this one. I read about 10% of it and thought it was awful. I usually try to read to at least 25% before giving up, but this book did not appeal to me at all.

message 13: by Janet (new)

Janet | 45 comments Here is a review of Feed for those still considering. I don't usually go for zombies or virus outbreak stories, but I trust Bookyurt in general so I'm in!

message 14: by Helen (new)

Helen I started it this morning and I'm about 25%, enjoying it so far. Although I won't be happy if George or Shaun get bitten.

message 15: by Helen (new)

Helen This is really gripping me now, thanks Joy, I would probably have never found it.

message 16: by Patricia (last edited May 14, 2011 06:19PM) (new)

Patricia (pg4003) | 148 comments Well, I have to tell you guys, do I ever feel stupid. I was going through my "Manage Your Kindle" page on Amazon earlier, making note of new books I've bought that I needed to add to my Goodreads books, and when I looked at the copy of Feed that I had bought, it's the wrong one! Whew that makes me feel sort of stupid, but on the other hand makes me feel better about the book because I couldn't figure out how come everybody else is enjoying the book so much and I thought it was awful. I downloaded this one by mistake: Feed. And like I said, didn't even realize it until I was posting my books and I noticed my book was by a different author. Argh....this taught me a lesson, I'll have to watch what I'm doing.

ETA: I downloaded the correct one now, I'm going to start on it tonight.

message 17: by Elvia (new)

Elvia (elvb) Patricia wrote: "Well, I have to tell you guys, do I ever feel stupid. I was going through my "Manage Your Kindle" page on Amazon earlier, making note of new books I've bought that I needed to add to my Goodreads ..."

Aw Patricia! That sounds like something I would do. lol
Hopefully you like this one!

message 18: by Helen (new)

Helen It is easy, there seem to be so many books with the same title. I wondered how you'd got to 10% without zombies surfacing Patricia.

I'm finding a lot about US politics process, very different to ours. We have no say in who leads a party here in the UK.

message 19: by Helen (new)

Helen Finished, really enjoyed it and will have to get the sequel.

message 20: by Mawgojzeta (new)

Mawgojzeta I started the book, but just wasn't "getting there". It was due back to the library and so I decided not to renew it. Oh well. I am glad other people are enjoying it!

message 21: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth (elizabeth8921) | 2233 comments I agree. It was not my "cup of tea"

message 22: by Ruth (new)

Ruth (ruthie1) Started it....but just read and finished another zombie book....World War Z...and it is tough to read two zombie books in a row....Both are so different....but can't help but compare....I may have to read something inbetween..

message 23: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth (elizabeth8921) | 2233 comments Not my thing but enjoyed the difference of the book from others

message 24: by Ruth (new)

Ruth (ruthie1) Have picked it back up....and I Want to like it....but as of now it is just will read more in hopes that it gets better....

message 25: by Patricia (new)

Patricia (pg4003) | 148 comments I haven't finished this one either. Don't know if I will or not.

message 26: by Helen (new)

Helen I couldn't put it down until near the end when I realised if I carried on I'd be crying on the bus!

message 27: by Veronica (new)

Veronica (veraj121) I have to pick up this book.

message 28: by Janet (new)

Janet | 45 comments I really enjoyed Feed, and I don't usually like outbreak or zombie/horror stories. It's different than the usual virus dystopian story because instead of telling the story of the outbreak, it's a generation after zombies have been created. It's more of a political & journalism thriller in a paranormal setting than a standard monster story. I thought the plot was somewhat predictable, but there were a few twists that surprised me.

message 29: by Ruth (new)

Ruth (ruthie1) It is getting better.....Not reading very much as we have been so busy trying to garden....Will finish it!

message 30: by Helen (new)

Helen I'm waiting for the sequel to be released.

message 31: by Janet (new)

Janet | 45 comments Helen wrote: "I'm waiting for the sequel to be released."

May 31st!

message 32: by Ruth (new)

Ruth (ruthie1) Finished Feed. Took me awhile to get into the story...but wow when I did I couldn't put the book down. Lots of action and a good story line too. I agree I liked that it was a generation after the zombie invasion so you didn't get all the details of it. I liked that it was more of a political thriller than a 'zombie' book...Looking forward to the sequel too!

message 33: by Helen (new)

Helen Jan, that's good although it said June 2nd on AMazon. I'm really looking forward to it.

aPriL does feral sometimes  (cheshirescratch) I liked it. First YA novel I've read in 30 years. Yikes. You YA's are lucky. These books are much better than what was considered YA then. I read this because I joined this club unaware of how often YA would be the read of the month, and at first I thought, I would simply unjoin and ignore. I'm glad my curiosity got the better of me. Excellent book and exciting.

message 35: by Helen (new)

Helen I'm not a YA April, in fact my daughter, at 20 is! As you say, some of them are well-written and as such can be read by any age.

message 36: by Jenevieve (new)

Jenevieve (4boyz4me) | 8 comments My 16yr old insisted that I read this one last year because he is a huge zombie fan. I'm not but I try to read a good cross-section of what he does so we can discuss his books (and that way he reads some of mine too LOL). I was surprised at how much I liked this one and I was the one at the bookstore picking up the sequel and wouldn't let him read it til I was done. The sequel didn't disappoint although I think the first was better. So bummed it's another year to wait for the wrap-up to the trilogy.

For those who don't know, Mira Grant is actually a pseudonym for Seanan McGuire who writes the urban fantasy "October Daye" series which has become one of my favorites of that genre.

message 37: by Helen (new)

Helen I started the sequel today. I'll have to check out her others.

message 38: by Janet (new)

Janet | 45 comments Here's a recent interview with Mira Grant/Seanan McGuire if y'all are interested.

message 39: by Jenevieve (new)

Jenevieve (4boyz4me) | 8 comments She's doing a reading at a local event this weekend. It's the third one near me since Deadline came out but the first I think I can actually make!

message 40: by Helen (new)

Helen A prequel has been released! Can you believe I'm not allowed to buy it, it's being limited to the US for some reason. How can I get hold of a copy for my kindle?

message 41: by Jenevieve (new)

Jenevieve (4boyz4me) | 8 comments Helen ~ Unfortunately right now the rights have only been bought by a US distributor but she is trying to get it overseas. Both prequels are coming out in a limited box set sometime soon. I'm totally drooling over this prospect!

message 42: by Helen (new)

Helen That's good news, thanks.

☕️Kimberly  (Caffeinated Reviewer) (kimbacaffeinate) i loved Feed..butDeadline
is so much better, and the ending left me screaming for book 3 Blackout

message 44: by Helen (new)

Helen You and me both. I actually had to re-read that last section again. Those books have made such an impact on me. I want that novella!

message 46: by Helen (new)

Helen I'm having to wait, hopefully it will come my way.

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