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message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

What are you trying to say here?

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

What happened to random chat?

message 4: by Jude, The First One :) (new)

Jude (judehnd) | 565 comments Mod
Jennifer wrote: "What happened to random chat?"

Oops! sorry, that topic went dead a few months ago, hadn't realized it was still here :)

message 5: by Tanesha (new)

Tanesha | 262 comments Everyone do check out a new thread "Holi-Festival of Color" in the discussion forum RANDOM in the group Juxtaposition

message 6: by Gabriel (new)

Gabriel Aznarez (AuthorGabrielAznarez) | 6 comments Hi everyone! Here´s an invitation for all...
In less than 24 hours we´re going to make history in twitter!! I´m going to twitt one whole chapter of the awarded bestseller saga of The Andaluins in just a few hours!!! More than 100 twitts... Follow by Twitter: @theandaluins
Don´t miss it, it´s tomorrow, MOnday 10. Chapter 5: The Lost Cenetery
See u!!!

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

message 8: by [deleted user] (new)

Please join my group ya book nerds

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