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Writers and Readers > Cure Your Writer's Block!

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message 1: by Lauren (new)

Lauren (lauren-sky) | 159 comments This is a new section specially for you writers out there! Stuck for ideas? Visit here to check out our bowl of story ideas!

message 2: by Lauren (last edited Jul 13, 2011 07:16PM) (new)

Lauren (lauren-sky) | 159 comments Characters: Girl, grandmother
Setting: Countryside
Plot: A girl's grandma has dementia. The girl lives with her grandma in the countryside, and tries desperately to cheer her up.

message 3: by Everly (new)

Everly Anders | 4 comments Character: Emily, a twelve year old girl carrying a sword
Setting: A family home burning to the ground
Plot: You decide.....

If you need more ideas, I have a Facebook page to help inspire writers to get past writers block and I put up exercises every day. I have almost 4,000 followers so there are some great people on there to bounce ideas off of.

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