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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

I thought that I might duplicate a popular thread on the official forum - many of us read and contribute to the Just finished - just started thread to look for recommendations. It's a bit less formal than a review.

I've just finished Twenty Tiny Talesby Willie Wit. As they are short stories I dipped in and out of the book between other reads. Very witty and with a twist - half the fun for me was trying to work out what the twist would be (I usually failed!)

I have two other books on the go now - At Home: A Short History of Private Life which is very interesting but I'm finding it a bit much to read straight through as it covers so many topics, so I have a lighter book on the go at the same time. At the mo I am reading The Fashion Police by Sibel Hodge as well - this is mystery chick lit and I'm very much enjoying it.


message 2: by Jacquie (new)

Jacquie | 99 comments I've just finished Painless by Derek Ciccone which was free on Amazon. It was an ok read but I will not be purchasing anything else by the author.

I've just started rereading Kisscut by Karin Slaughter and will then start the book of the month.

Apologies if the links don't work as this is the first time I've tried to do this.

message 3: by Jud (new)

Jud (judibud) | 16799 comments I'm reading A Dance with Dragons at the minute and am almost finished! I'm addicted to this series! I love it, although the amount of new characters that appear in each new book is unbelievable but means there is a large variety of story lines and several that you just can't get enough of! Hope there isn't a long a wait between this one and the next as there was between the previous one and this one, 6years!

Before that I read The Eyre Affair which someone recommended to me cause I said I loved Jane Eyre. It was an easy read I enjoyed it but not what I was expecting so was a little bit disappointed until the ending (which was what i was expecting the whole way through the book). By the end I had a much better opinion of it.

Simon (Highwayman) (highwayman) | 4276 comments Nice thread.....

message 5: by Sharon4 (last edited Jul 20, 2011 05:32AM) (new)

Sharon4 | 20 comments I'm reading A Game of Thrones and enjoying it more as a Kindle book than I think I would in the paperback edition, where its bulk would be an issue. I'm getting through more of it in less time because I can read it anywhere and that means I don't lose track. With a book the size and complexity of this one, that makes a difference.

I'm also reading Fallen Karin Slaughter's latest and although she's as hard to put down as ever, the fact that it's the library hardback makes a difference. I can only read it in my chair in the lounge and am wary of coffee cups etc because I need both hands. Reading in two formats at the same time is very instructive; both have their upsides and downs, but at the moment, the balance is definitely on the Kindle's side.

message 6: by Philip (new)

Philip Whiteland | 3336 comments I've just finished reading At Home: A Short History of Private Life for the second time. It's a fantastic voyage through history based on a really clever premise. I'm currently re-reading Unseen Academicals- I quite often work my way back through Terry Pratchett's works because I enjoy them so much and always find more to enjoy on re-reading.

message 7: by Jud (new)

Jud (judibud) | 16799 comments Sharon4 wrote: "I'm reading A Game of Thrones and enjoying it more as a Kindle book than I think I would in the paperback edition, where its bulk would be an issue. I'm getting through more of it in l..."

I have all the series in kindle versions, a few people in work bought the new book in hardback and they can hardly get the thing to stay open! I heart Kindles ;-) (and the Song of Ice and Fire series)

message 8: by Bailey (last edited Jul 20, 2011 10:52AM) (new)

Bailey My favourite thread on Amazon, thanks Kew.
Just finished The Hangman's Daughter which, whilst not a page turner,was definitely a 3 star. just started In the Blood and very promising.

message 9: by Gary (new)

Gary Dowden (garydow) | 15 comments Finished Cave by Ali Cooper at the weekend and really enjoyed it. Good story, well told by someone who clearly knows her subject.

Reading Life... On A High by Mr Spalding when I'm not in a public place as laughing out loud in a hospital waiting room is not advised! Also reading Never Look Away: A Thriller which I'm enjoying so far.

Add to that,I read Karin Slaughter's short story "Unremarkable Heart" today which was good but a very hard subject matter for me as I read it without knowing anything about the story beforehand.

message 10: by Lisa (last edited Jul 21, 2011 06:33AM) (new)

Lisa | 75 comments Just finished Jon Rosenberg's The Digital Wolf and just started Trudi Canavan's The Rogue.The Digtial Wolf (The Hidden Academy, Volume 2)
The Rogue

Simon (Highwayman) (highwayman) | 4276 comments Setting this group up has completed ruined my life.

Finished Inspector Zhang Gets His Wish

Totally stalled Momentum at 82%
(stalled/Momentum - see what I did there?)

Urgh - if you have to explain a joke it isn't funny..... :-)

message 12: by TC (new)

TC | 15 comments Finished The Accidental Father earlier, will review it tomorrow, and have started The Hairdresser of Harare Just one-clicked In the blood, but might have to attend to a couple of other pressing ones in the old TBR pile first...

Simon, wondering what you think of your audience that you don't trust us to get the joke ;D

message 13: by Denise (new)

Denise Taylor (denisebrum) | 4 comments Just finished To Kill a Mockingbird and in the middle of The Digital Wolf, which is a good book but not quite as good as To Kill a Mockingbird. (sorry Jon!)

Patti (baconater) (goldengreene) | 56525 comments I think it would be great if we would say a bit about how we felt about the book we've finished and why we've started the next one. Nothing in-depth if we don't want to, of course. That's what reviews are for.
...just a thought :)

message 15: by Darren (new)

Darren Humphries (darrenhf) | 6903 comments Denise wrote: "Just finished To Kill a Mockingbird and in the middle of The Digital Wolf, which is a good book but not quite as good as To Kill a Mockingbird. (sorry Jon!)"

Did To Kill a Mockingbird at school and therefore will always be scarred and unable to read it again. Recently, though, I came across a shop advertising the recipe for a cocktail called a Tequila Mockingbird, which mad eme smile.

message 16: by Anita (new)

Anita | 3313 comments Bailey wrote: "My favourite thread on Amazon, thanks Kew.
Just finished The Hangman's Daughter which, whilst not a page turner,was definitely a 3 star. just started In the Blood and very promising."

The Hangmans Daughter is high on my "next to read list" I have almost finished "Hue & Cry" & like you with Hangmans Daughter have found it readable but not a "page Turner" I think it is a first novel & I will buy the next in the series, I wonder if I have unintentionally compared it to C.J Sansom whose books were fantastic from the first page. I like to try new authors & really enjoy seeing their novels grow & develop. I Have just started Sarum & only 100 pages in I am really enjoying this one.
In The Blood is one I will start very soon, it will be really nice to discuss it on here as our first book club book!

message 17: by Janet (new)

Janet Jones | 20 comments Just finished When Darkness Falls- which I downloaded when free. Enjoyed it - good characters and would read more from this author. Just started Equilibrium, after enjoying Portal. Picked this up from recommendations in the Amazon Forum. A bit of a lighter read as it is aimed at young adults but enjoying and will finish the series

message 18: by Anita (new)

Anita | 3313 comments Karen (Kew) wrote: "I thought that I might duplicate a popular thread on the official forum - many of us read and contribute to the Just finished - just started thread to look for recommendations. It's a bit less for..."

Hi Kew
how are you finding At Home? I just couldn't get on with it at all & found that it rambled rather a lot. I have never read Bill Bryson before but I know he is very popular. Have you tried London by peter Ackroyde or Time Travellers Guide to medieval England by Ian Mortimer? I am not sure if they are on Kindle or not yet.
Would like to know what you think when you have finished At Home.

message 19: by [deleted user] (new)

Anita wrote: "Karen (Kew) wrote: "I thought that I might duplicate a popular thread on the official forum - many of us read and contribute to the Just finished - just started thread to look for recommendations. ..."

I am enjoying Home but I can't read it straight through - I keep dipping in and out of other things. A better Bryson to start with might be Notes from a Small Country. I haven't read the other books that you've mentioned - I must look out for those! Thanks.

I got impatient and have put both of my ongoing books to one side so that I can start the book of the month! :0)

message 20: by Susan - Sukey (new)

Susan - Sukey (susan-sue) | 10 comments Just finished Witness I was hooked on this from the start and enjoyed every page of it. I'm going to start the book of the month next

message 21: by TC (new)

TC | 15 comments Finished The Hairdresser of Harare earlier, really enjoyed it with a good balance between daily life and a bit of humour, and heavier issues in Zimbabwe. Gave it 5*s, thought it was particularly good considering it's a debut novel.

Up next is Seasons of the Harvest by Michael Hicks. I must get through some more of the ones I've been given for review before I start our book of the month.

Patti (baconater) (goldengreene) | 56525 comments TC wrote: "Finished The Hairdresser of Harare earlier, really enjoyed it with a good balance between daily life and a bit of humour, and heavier issues in Zimbabwe. Gave it 5*s, thought it was ..."

The Hairdresser of Harare looks fascinating, TC. I'd have one-clicked it if it was available in kindle format. I haven't considered buying a paper copy of a book in months but I may do that one! Thanks for letting us know about it!

message 23: by Jacquie (new)

Jacquie | 99 comments Finished Kisscutand enjoyed it even though the subject is distressing.

Looking forward to starting the book of the month.

message 24: by TC (new)

TC | 15 comments Patti (P E) wrote: "TC wrote: "Finished The Hairdresser of Harare earlier, really enjoyed it with a good balance between daily life and a bit of humour, and heavier issues in Zimbabwe. Gave it 5*s, thou..."

I did actually read it on the kindle, was provided with a PDF for review of that one. I do still read the odd paperback but don't particularly like it.

I think I read Kisscut, but quite some time ago. I really like Karin Slaughter's books.

Simon (Highwayman) (highwayman) | 4276 comments Finished Momentum.
Starting 'In the Blood' if those pesky SAP people will just go away. Don't they know it is POETs day?

message 26: by Jud (last edited Jul 22, 2011 07:20AM) (new)

Jud (judibud) | 16799 comments Simon aka Highwayman wrote: "Finished Momentum.
Starting 'In the Blood' if those pesky SAP people will just go away. Don't they know it is POETs day?"

may i ask what SAP stands for? or who the SAP people are?

Simon (Highwayman) (highwayman) | 4276 comments You don't need to know Judith....

Oh, OK, you asked for it .... SAP is a piece of German software which wants to take over the world and run everything. SAP people make £500 a day telling you how to do it. It does your accounts, runs your warehouse, hires and fires, empties your company current account. I love it - not!

message 28: by Natalie (new)

Natalie (natalie3131) I just LOL'd at your comment Simon!Thanks for that little chuckle!

I've just finished My Psychic Life - i love watching her show on tv and think she comes across such a lovely woman. Her autobiography is amazing! She's had such an interesting life too.

I've started The Midwife's Confessionwhich so far is fantastic! It's written so well, very clever. The story is told by a different character is chapter, from different viewpoints. I'll keep you all posted! So far so good

Patti (baconater) (goldengreene) | 56525 comments Simon aka Highwayman wrote: "You don't need to know Judith....

Oh, OK, you asked for it .... SAP is a piece of German software which wants to take over the world and run everything. SAP people make £500 a day telling you ho..."

Round here it's known as 'Slow And Painful' as well as a few others that I'm too much of a lady to repeat.

message 30: by Jud (new)

Jud (judibud) | 16799 comments thanks Simon! still means nothing to me though :o) Perhaps this is one of those times where the saying 'ignorance is bliss' would fit perfectly

message 31: by Angela (new)

Angela (bubblyfish) | 53 comments Just finished When You Went Away by Michael Baron. Thoroughly enjoyed reading it though there were a few little annoyances in it I would have been happier without.

Now I'm going to start on this month's group read so I can join in the discussions.

message 32: by Janis (new)

Janis Moore | 22 comments Just finished on Wednesday The Midwife's Confession and I really enjoyed it - wanted the story to carry on.
Finished These Things Hidden which is very similiar in style.

Geoff (G. Robbins) (merda constat variat altitudo) (snibborg) | 8204 comments Just finished Non-Retrieval. I have to say I'm somewhat disappointed, this book had so much promise. Ah well. I've given a review of it in my book list if anyone wants to read it.

Now it's time for the group read book. I must admit this looks promising.


message 34: by Jud (new)

Jud (judibud) | 16799 comments Just finished In the Blood, thought it was very good an would recommend it and now i'm starting Ulysses after about a year of it sitting on my shelf...

message 35: by Bailey (new)

Bailey Hello Anita. Re Bill Bryson. I second Kew's recommendation for Notes from a Small Island which is my fave BB book. He is a bit rambly in style but very easy to read. It's the kind of book that you don't need to read all in one go, that you can dip into and just read a chapter at a time.
I know I can't read it without a smile on my face and if it was compulsary reading on the desert island, you would end up so homesick!
Well if you came from the UK that is...

message 36: by TC (new)

TC | 15 comments Judith wrote: "Just finished In the Blood, thought it was very good an would recommend it and now i'm starting Ulysses after about a year of it sitting on my shelf..."

Ulysses, hmm, mine sat on the shelf for several years, and after a few abortive attempts at reading it was sent to the charity shop. It's one of a very short list of books I haven't finished.

message 37: by Anita (new)

Anita | 3313 comments Bailey wrote: "Hello Anita. Re Bill Bryson. I second Kew's recommendation for Notes from a Small Island which is my fave BB book. He is a bit rambly in style but very easy to read. It's the kind of book that yo..."

Hi Bailey, thanks for your veiws on the Notes from a small Island, I will take your advice & give it a go, I know Bill Bryson has a lot of very good reviews so I will give him another go. Will let you know what I think.

message 38: by Jacquie (new)

Jacquie | 99 comments Just finished 'In The Blood' and really enjoyed it. I was so keen to get to the end that I neglected the housework therefore I am not going to start another book until I catch up.

message 39: by Jud (new)

Jud (judibud) | 16799 comments TC wrote: "Judith wrote: "Just finished In the Blood, thought it was very good an would recommend it and now i'm starting Ulysses after about a year of it sitting on my shelf..."

Ulysses, hmm, ..."

Yes i'm only 30 pages in and already i'm not really sure whats going on it just seems to shift to a different scene there's no chapters or breaks in it but i'll carry on for a bit. Thank goodness for Wikipedia thats all i can say...

message 40: by Bluejay44 (new)

Bluejay44 Just finished In the Blood, am not into crime books, but the underlying theme was of interest and it was very well written, so I did enjoy most of it. Before that I had really enjoyed Daughter of Time by Sarah Woodbury - Welsh historical & time travel. So later on this evening I will start the 2nd book of the trilogy, Prince of Time

message 41: by Jud (new)

Jud (judibud) | 16799 comments Ugh. TC i think i might follow your lead 30% in and its just not working!! i'm determined, but not convinced i'll finish it.

message 42: by TC (new)

TC | 15 comments Ulysses was just insurmountable for me, I did try about 3 times but had to admit defeat. Made me feel like a bit of a pleb that I couldn't manage it.

At the moment I'm reading The Cornerstone Some great observational humour, and it doesn't take itself too seriously. Hopefully I'll get time to finish it tomorrow.

message 43: by Jud (new)

Jud (judibud) | 16799 comments TC wrote: "Ulysses was just insurmountable for me, I did try about 3 times but had to admit defeat. Made me feel like a bit of a pleb that I couldn't manage it.

At the moment I'm reading [book:The Cornerston..."

I'm thinking i have the kindle it'll save where i am so even if i give up next time i decide to try again i can pick up where i left off!! Gave it another go tonight after a quick read at another book which was disappointly short.

Just checked my kindle i'm only 35% in thats so disappointing...

message 44: by Kath (last edited Jul 27, 2011 01:53AM) (new)

Kath Middleton | 23860 comments Just finished Nemesis by Jo Nesbo. I read his first Harry Hole book some months back and downloaded the next two. I've read these back to back so they were page turners even though the hero is brilliant in his deductions at work and useless in his personal life. In a way, you can't like him but then you can't not like him.

Just started Death in a Scarlet Gown. Recommended by Kew and so far really good. Set in past times in a University (which I have to say, haven't changed much!)

(edited - I put Red Gown. Huge difference. A red woman is just odd - a scarlet woman - whoooo!)

message 45: by Janey (new)

Janey | 46 comments Just finished Amazonia by James Rollins which I really enjoyed. I remember someone on the UK Amazon Kindle forum recommending James Rollin's book Ice Hunt and I immediately downloaded it and read it. Thanks to this recommendation I now have a new fav author!

Just started Halfway to the Grave by Jeaniene Frost which was also recommended to me.

message 46: by Angela (new)

Angela (bubblyfish) | 53 comments Just finished In The Blood and thoroughly enjoyed it. Now I'm going to read the samples for next months choice and then browse my books to decide on the next one.

I'm reading What You See Is What You Get but I just dip into that every now and then and also Being Nobody, Going Nowhere, Revised: Meditations on the Buddhist Path which again is something I read a little of and think about for a while.

message 47: by Melvyn (new)

Melvyn (melvyn_melcom) | 7 comments Just finished Barchester Towers for the second time and enjoyed it much more on this occasion. I'm working my way through The Barchester Chronicles - years ago I'd read the first two books and remember thinking The Warden to be the better of them. This time I much prefered Barchester Towers.

Now I'm going to start In The Blood so that I can join in the discussions. It's not my usual genre, so it should be interesting!

message 48: by Kath (new)

Kath Middleton | 23860 comments Just finished Death in a Scarlet Gown, and started Knowledge of Sins Past - both Lexie Connyngham. Really well written - I enjoyed the first immensely.

message 49: by [deleted user] (new)

Glad to hear that you enjoyed Death in a Scarlet Gown, Ignite - I always get a little anxious when I recommend something becuase we all have different tastes!

I recently re read the Barchester Chronicles as well Melvyn! Took quite a long time - forgot how much longer victorian novels are than modern ones generally. Barchester Towers always used to be my favourite because of Obadiah Slope, but when I re read them I really enjoyed the Last Chronicle of Barset. I struggled a bit with Dr Thorne though. :0)

message 50: by Catalina (new)

Catalina (katgabriella) | 169 comments I have just finished Change of Heart and as always i was not disappointed. In the beginning i was reluctant to pick up the book, as the theme did not appeal too much to me, but after reading the first few pages i was totally engrossed. definitely a must read.
at the moment i am reading Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close..only read the first chapter but it looks really promising...this will be my second book my Foer and i am sure it won't be a bad choice...

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