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Challenges of Yesteryear > Level 5 of the Serious Readers Challenge for 2011

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message 1: by Lisarenee (last edited Dec 04, 2011 03:56PM) (new)

Lisarenee | 7659 comments

You've made it to the fifth level!

This challenge is for serious readers. This is the 5th level of this challenge. The challenge consists of many levels, each level consisting of 100 books. So if you have not completed your first two hundred, go back and complete Level 1, 2, 3, & 4 of the Serious Readers Challenge for 2011. Just create your list of books (at this level label them 401 through 500) and mark them off with a strike through them as you finish. If you find you can't finish one of the books on your list for any reason, you may replace it with another. Also, if you just want to decide what you read as you go you can do that as well. Since this challenge is for the year 2011 any books you've read this year (if you get a late start) may be included. If you get done with one level, but I haven't created the next just let me know and I'll add the next level to our challenge as soon as I can. This is a free choice challenge. Read whatever you want. Hopefully, all is clear. Happy reading.

message 2: by Shay (last edited Dec 28, 2011 05:25PM) (new)

Shay | 923 comments 85 Chunky Books Read

401. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
402.Legend by Marie Lu
403. The Shining by Stephen King *
404. The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan
405. A Champion's Mind: Lessons from a Life in Tennis by Pete Sampras
406.The Glass is Always Greener by Tamar Myers
407. The Art of Fielding by Chad Harbach * (512 pages)
408. Cemetery Dance by Douglas Preston.
409.Assassination Vacation by Sarah Vowell
410.The New New Rules: How Everybody But Me Has Their Head Up Their Ass by Bill Maher
411. The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan (513 pages)
412. Imperial Bedrooms by Bret Easton Ellis
413. Fever Dream by Douglas Preston
414. Official Book Club Selection: A Memoir According to Kathy Griffin by Kathy Griffin
415. Drink, Slay, Love by Sarah Beth Durst
416.Ruthless by Sara Shepard
417. Shadows and Strongholds by Elizabeth Chadwick * (568 pages)
418. Murder of a Creped Suzette by Denise Swanson
419. Death on a Platter by Elaine Viets
420. Mustaine: A Heavy Metal Memoir by Dave Mustaine
421.Cold Vengeance by Douglas Preston
422. Blind Descent: The Quest to Discover the Deepest Place on Earth by James M. Tabor
423. One Foot In The Gravy by Delia Rosen
424.Polished Off by Lila Dare
425. London Under: The Secret History Beneath the Streets by Peter Ackroyd
426. Mrs. Jeffries and the Yuletide Weddings by Emily Brightwell
427. American Gods by Neil Gaiman
428. The Restaurant at the End of the Universe by Douglas Adams
429. To Catch a Leaf by Kate Collins
430. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
431.Damn You, Autocorrect!: Awesomely Embarrassing Text Messages You Didn't Mean to Send by Jillian Madison
432. The Family Fang: A Novel by Kevin Wilson

message 3: by Shay (new)

Shay | 923 comments I doubt I'll finish another book before midnight. Too busy with New Year's stuff. Hope everyone has a great New Year's.

message 4: by Lisa Kay (last edited Dec 31, 2011 08:20AM) (new)

Lisa Kay (lisakayalicemaria) | 15159 comments Thanks & congrats, Shay! Happy New Year's to you too!

message 5: by Sashana (new)

Sashana Happy New Year, Sans! Congrats on getting this far :)

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