Chicks On Lit discussion


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message 1: by Tera, First Chick (last edited Nov 07, 2008 02:46PM) (new)

Tera | 2564 comments Mod
I know!! Can you believe it?! I even waited until the first week in November was almost over and it still seems too soon.
What do you want to read in January?
I know for me it is a great time to read because its nice and cold and nothing is better than cuddling up with a good book and some hot cocoa.

Here is how we roll.
**I take the first 12 nominations.
**If you nominate limit yourself to nominating only ONE book.
**Please list the authors name with the book.
**Don't worry about posting a blurb about the book when I have all the nominations Ill do that and link the books to their goodread site.
**I am adding one condition this time around.
If you nominate a book please be ready to lead the discussion or have discussed it with someone who will lead the discussion.
As you can all see from this month without a leader from the get go things fall behind.

(a little word about leading a discussion... its easy and nothing to worry about. You don't have to be a professor of lit. You just have to read the book and be willing to share your thoughts and questions. Often times if you google the title of your book and book club questions you are bound to find some that have already been posted in other groups or questions that the publisher has supplied for the book. Youd be surprised what one or two questions will do to get a dozen different conversations started on with a book)

and with that let the nominations BEGIN!!!

message 2: by Meg (new)

Meg (megvt) | 3069 comments The American Wife is mine.

Amazon's review:
Sittenfeld tracks, in her uneven third novel, the life of bookish, naïve Alice Lindgren and the trajectory that lands her in the White House as first lady. Charlie Blackwell, her boyishly charming rake of a husband, whose background of Ivy League privilege, penchant for booze and partying, contempt for the news and habit of making flubs when speaking off the cuff, bears more than a passing resemblance to the current president (though the Blackwells hail from Wisconsin, not Texas). Sittenfeld shines early in her portrayal of Alice's coming-of-age in Riley, Wis., living with her parents and her mildly eccentric grandmother. A car accident in her teens results in the death of her first crush, which haunts Alice even as she later falls for Charlie and becomes overwhelmed by his family's private summer compound and exclusive country club membership. Once the author leaves the realm of pure fiction, however, and has the first couple deal with his being ostracized as a president who favors an increasingly unpopular war, the book quickly loses its panache and sputters to a weak conclusion that doesn't live up to the fine storytelling that precedes it. (Sept.)

message 3: by Holli (last edited Feb 25, 2009 03:25AM) (new)

Holli I can't believe its already time for January Noms!!!

Mine is The Shack by William P Young

Shelby *trains flying monkeys* Ok I'm still a newbie. So I'm not sure the ones that you girls have read so if my nominee is one that's been used just skip me.
The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry

message 5: by Emily (new)

Emily (ejfalke) | 576 comments The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield

Kat (A Journey In Reading) (ajourneyinreading) | 390 comments The Book of Air and Shadows...... Michael Gruber

message 9: by Laura (new)

Laura (apenandzen) | 1445 comments Prodigal Summer: A Novel by Barbara Kingsolver

message 10: by Tera, First Chick (new)

Tera | 2564 comments Mod
Is this all the noms?

message 11: by Lydia (new)

Lydia (loverofinformation) I'll nominate Run by Ann Patchett.

message 13: by K.S.R. (new)

K.S.R. (kareyshane) | 116 comments My vote is with The Story of Edgar Sawtelle.
I'll be leading a discussion on it at Constant Reader in January, so if we did it here too, I'd be wallowing in it like a happy piglet in a mud puddle.

message 14: by Laura (new)

Laura (apenandzen) | 1445 comments Cute imagery there Karey! LOL

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