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BotM News > Booklist for BotM Poll for January 2012

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message 1: by Richard (new)

Richard (mrredwood) | 123 comments Happy New Year! Let’s get some reading done.

The new year beckons, and January’s poll is here. Time to vote!

The poll for the month of January 2012 is up for the HardSF BotM at Yahoo groups.

For your research, the books are:
Foundation’s Fear , by Gregory Benford
Childhood’s End , by Arthur C. Clarke
The Sands of Mars , by Arthur C. Clarke
For the Win , by Cory Doctorow
Makers , by Cory Doctorow
The New Space Opera 2 , by Gardner R. Dozois
The Listeners , by James Edwin Gunn
Forever Free , by Joe Haldeman
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress , by Robert A. Heinlein
Dark Light , by Ken MacLeod
Anathem , by Neal Stephenson

That’s the same set as last month, but with last month’s winner removed. Think we need some new selections? Suggest them to this groups moderator! (The other moderator, Username , not me :-)

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