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message 1: by Sheri, Bookworm (last edited Jul 02, 2013 08:42AM) (new)

Sheri | 13377 comments Mod
For those of you with e-readers who are always looking for a great deal, well you just can't beat free :)

Sorry Nook lovers, I have a Kindle so that's what I look for, but you can just go to B&N and check and see if it is free there, too.

Authors, post your free KDP days!

message 2: by Sheri, Bookworm (last edited Dec 26, 2011 08:17PM) (new)

message 3: by Sheri, Bookworm (new)

message 4: by Sheri, Bookworm (last edited Dec 26, 2011 08:19PM) (new)

Sheri | 13377 comments Mod
Song to Wake to (Levels) by J.D. Field (YA)
Part 1 is free for Kindle...Part 1 and 2 together are only .99

message 5: by Sheri, Bookworm (new)

message 6: by Sheri, Bookworm (new)

message 7: by Candy (new)

Candy  (loveydoveybooks) The Emperor's Edge (Emperor's Edge #1) by Lindsay Buroker
Great story and it's free for Kindle (I don't know about Nook)...

message 8: by Sheri, Bookworm (new)

message 10: by Sheri, Bookworm (new)

message 13: by Nicole (new)

Nicole Peterson Sheri wrote: "Song to Wake to (Levels #1) by J.D. Field (YA)
Part 1 is free for Kindle...Part 1 and 2 together are only .99"


message 14: by Nicole (new)

Nicole Peterson Candace wrote: "The Emperor's Edge (Emperor's Edge #1) by Lindsay Buroker
Great story and it's free for Kindle (I don't know about Nook)..."


message 17: by Sheri, Bookworm (new)

Sheri | 13377 comments Mod
Thanks for checking on those and posting them!

message 18: by Tana (new)

Tana (tana_t) | 3459 comments Mod
thanks Sheri and Nikki

message 19: by Nicole (new)

Nicole Peterson I figured I might as well since Sheri was kind enough to put them out there =)

message 23: by Nicole (new)

Nicole Peterson Call of the Herald by Brian Rathbone free Nook book

message 24: by Nicole (new)

Nicole Peterson Thirst by Claire Farrell free Nook book

message 25: by Tana (new)

Tana (tana_t) | 3459 comments Mod
for the kindle free Saturday and Sunday only

message 26: by Tanecia (new)

Tanecia  (books101) | 3773 comments Mod
Sheri wrote: "Thanks for checking on those and posting them!"

Hey Sheri! I found a book on smashswords that your kids might like and it sounds pretty cool to me check it out!

The House in Windward Leaves by Katherine L. Holmes

Its free on smashwords until January 26th and here's the code(the author has this posted on her Goodreads page BTW): PB55U

message 27: by Gabriela (new)

Gabriela Candace wrote: "The Emperor's Edge (The Emperor's Edge #1) by Lindsay Buroker
Great story and it's free for Kindle (I don't know about Nook)..."


message 28: by Sheri, Bookworm (new)

Sheri | 13377 comments Mod
Tt wrote: "Hey Sheri! I found a book on smashswords that your kids might like and it sounds pretty cool to me check it out!"


message 29: by Tana (new)

Tana (tana_t) | 3459 comments Mod
a author posted this in my other group and I said I would pass it around

free ebook

message 30: by Tana (new)

Tana (tana_t) | 3459 comments Mod
here is a free ebook just for today

Secrets and Keys

message 31: by Nicole (new)

Nicole Peterson SWEET!

Terri ♥ (aka Mrs. Christian Grey) (mybookboyfriend) | 197 comments Nikki - have you read any of these?

message 36: by Nicole (new)

Nicole Peterson No but I grabbed them =)

message 37: by Sheri, Bookworm (new)

Sheri | 13377 comments Mod

Alana ~ The Book Pimp (loonyalana) | 374 comments I usually grab them, then figure someday I'll read them and edit out the ones that "suck" out of my kindle... until then, I have hundreds of free books to choose from! (Well they were free when I got them)

message 39: by Tana (new)

Tana (tana_t) | 3459 comments Mod
I grabbed them to thank Nikki

message 40: by Nicole (new)

Nicole Peterson I love free! LOL

message 41: by Tana (new)

Tana (tana_t) | 3459 comments Mod
free is the best lol

message 47: by Sheri, Bookworm (new)

Sheri | 13377 comments Mod
Thanks Andre!

message 48: by Edward (new)

Edward Jamieson (edwardjamieson) | 55 comments Today "The Godless - Mystery of the World" is FREE. Get it.
The Godless - Mystery of the World by Suren Fant

Product Description
Centuries ago, when Earth was not under the control of God, it was controlled by a cruel and heartless creature, called Neuron. Coming to our planet, God saw, how Neuron treated as his subordinates. God and Satan decided to take to hands the authority on Earth. It was very difficult mission. God and Satan adapted all the people and their feelings.
In XXI century a young man from a wealthy family found new potentials, that ancestors of humanity and Neuron had. It becomes to him what had happened centuries ago and behind it hunting of angels has begun.

message 50: by Christie (new)

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