Wild Things: YA Grown-Up discussion

YA Reading Challenge > Reading Challenge #11 - Report Points Here

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message 1: by Lydia (last edited Jan 03, 2012 07:27AM) (new)

Lydia (loverofinformation) | 596 comments Happy 2012!

Wild Things Challenge #11
1. This Challenge is just for fun, so make sure you enjoy yourself!
2. The Challenge begins at 12:00 A.M. local time on January 1, 2012 and ends at 11:59 P.M. local time on March 30, 2012. The final list of winners will be posted on 5 April 2012.
3. All books must be classified as Young Adult or Juvenile Fiction by your local library or Goodreads (e.g., a YA Listopia). If your library classifies subsequent books in a series as adult fiction, they will still be considered as YA.
4. All books must be at least 100 pages long.
5. Re-reads count.
6. Audio books and electronic books (unabridged), such as Kindle, all count for this Challenge.
7. Page counts will be according to the Goodreads page count.

Point Counts and Reporting Counts:

10 pts for completion of each task
5 extra points for genres; this can be used only once for each genre
5 extra points if a book selected for any task(s) meets the criteria for the Monthly Challenge for January, February, and/or March. (Check out the Monthly Challenge Board: http://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/3298... )
2 points for each additional book added to the completion of a task.
50 additional points when you complete tasks 1-5.

When posting to the reporting board, please indicate the task, title, if the book meets any additional criteria (genre, WT Currently Reading, Monthly Challenge, the discussion board where you posted, additional book), number of pages (according to the GR – please check if you might have read a paperback or hardcover version – upper right hand corner on the book page), and the number of points for that task. For example:1.1 Nevermore Horror, Monthly Challenge, Monthly Challenge Discussion Board, 373 pages, 20 points.


Wild Things Rule!

1.1 Read one or both books selected as the Wild Things “currently reading” for January, February, and/or March. Contribute to the conversation. 5 extra points if the book is read during the month selected.
1.2 Read a book that fits the theme of one of the Monthly Challenges.(Get 10 points for the task PLUS 5 extra points.)
1.3 Read a book that won a Young Adult award (nationally or state-wide). Discuss whether you thought it deserved or did not deserve the award.
1.4 Read a book listed in the top ten (10) of a Goodreads Young Adult Listopia list (that has at least 100 votes) and contribute to or start a discussion on the appropriate board.
1.5 Read a book with a 4 or 5 star rating by another WT member.

It’s a Year of Firsts!

2.1 Read an author’s first book.
2.2 Read a book where the character has a first (e.g., first date, first dance, first day at school, first travel out of the state/country).
2.3 Read a book that is the first in a series. Discuss why you selected this particular book and if you will try to read the next in the series.
2.4 Read a book that is the first on a Young Adult Listopia list (that has at least 100 votes) by an author you have never read before.
2.5 Read a book that has one of the following words in its title: First, One, Start, Begin/Beginning (or any other word you think fits).

Happy Leap Year!

3.1 Read a book published in 2011 by an author you have never read before.
3.2 Read a book that has 366 pages (or more).
3.3 Hopefully the Mayans were not accurate in their prediction about 12/21/12. Read a book about a post-apocalyptic/utopian/dystopian world and post your thoughts/opinions.
3.4 Make sure you vote in this election year! Read a book where politics plays a role (e.g., main character is running for a student council position; family member is a politician; characters deal with a political issue).
3.5 Read a book that has one of the following words in the title: Happy, New, Year; Leap, Celebrate or any word related to sound (e.g., whistle, toot, blow. – like the horns we use at midnight!).

Lucky in February and March

4.1 It’s time for Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day and the Ides of March! Read a book where the main character falls in love,
4.2 What about the Ides of March? Read a book that involves an element of death (a tribute to Shakespeare)
4.3 What is St. Patrick’s Day without magic? Read a book that has magical beings/creatures/setting.
4.4 Read a book whose title begins with L, O, V, E, U, C, K. Get 5 extra points for any title that has multiples of the letters. (Check it out! The only vowels not included are “a”, “i”, and sometimes “y”!)
4.5 Read two books that have one or more of the following words in the title: love, kiss, sweet, luck(y), gold, green, black, or brown (or a variation of the words). If the title contains more than one of the words, get 5 extra points for each additional word. For example, A Sweet Love Kiss would 10 extra points.

Celebrate Good Times!

5.1 It’s Chinese New Year on the 23rd of January – the Year of the Dragon. But let’s celebrate any culture! Read a book about any place or protagonist from other than your home country discussed on one of the WT boards and participate in the discussion.
5.2 Read a book by an author whose name begins with “J”, “F” or “M” [first or last name].
5.3 Let’s go on Spring Break! Read a book where the character(s) are traveling for a holiday (5 extra points if the book takes place on spring break).
5.4 Ah! The Vernal Equinox! Let’s celebrate Spring. Read a book with a plant or flower on the cover or in its title.
5.5 Read two books that involve some sort of celebration.

6.1 to 6.3 Select three books from three different WT boards where you have never/or rarely (less than 4 posts) posted before. After reading the books, post on the boards. [30 pts]
6.4 Read a book by a favorite author and post to the appropriate board.
6.5 Read a sequel/next in a series of any book you have read for tasks 1.1-5.5 and post on the why you selected this specific author/book and whether or not the book lived up to your expectations.

Folk/Fairy Tale (including retellings)
Historical Fiction
Realistic Fiction/Contemporary
Short Stories
Sports Fiction

message 2: by Amy (new)

Amy 3.1 read a book published in 2011 by an author you've never read before
Shatter Me
genre: war
pages 338

message 3: by Lydia (new)

Lydia (loverofinformation) | 596 comments Whoo-hoo! First poster! Thanks Amy!

message 4: by Amy (new)

Amy I figure I need to post early since I end up fizzling out part way through the challenge. :-)

message 5: by Jessica (last edited Jan 07, 2012 11:34AM) (new)

Jessica (yourhealthyyear) | 2 comments 2.1 Read an author’s first book. - Thirteen Reasons Why Genre: Young Adult, Pages: 288
3.4 Read a book where politics plays a role - The Iron King Genre: Fantasy, Pages: 363
4.3 What is St. Patrick’s Day without magic? - Ash Genre: Fantasy, Pages: 291

message 6: by Lydia (new)

Lydia (loverofinformation) | 596 comments Jessica wrote: "4.3 What is St. Patrick’s Day without magic? - Ash"

Oops! Don't understand, Jessica.

message 7: by Emily (new)

Emily Ash? maybe

message 8: by Jessica (last edited Jan 04, 2012 02:56PM) (new)

Jessica (yourhealthyyear) | 2 comments Sorry I am new to this. Emily is right it is Ash by Malinda Lo but I wasn't sure how to make it a link, haha.

And of course as I reply I see the "add book/author". geez

message 9: by Amy (new)

Amy 4.1 read a book where the main character falls in love
The Tear Collector
pages: 239
genre: fantasy/supernatural

total points this challenge: 30
total pages this challenge: 574

message 10: by Karis (new)

Karis Jacobstein (yalitwit) | 419 comments 2.3 A Need So Beautiful by Suzanne Young- 10 points
Genre Bonus (Religious)- 5 points
Pages- 267
Points- 15

I will definitely be reading A Want So Wicked when it comes out! I can't wait. This was so much better than any of the other angel stories I've read!

3.4 Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi- 10 points
Genre Bonus (Dystopia)- 5 points
Pages- 384
Points- 15

Perry is challenging his brother for "Blood Lord", leader of their tribe.

5.2 Superfudge by Judy Blume- 10 points
Genre Bonus (Classic)- 5 points
Pages- 192
Points- 15

Total Points: 45
Pages Read: 843
Books Read: 3
Genres: Classic, Dystopia, Religious

message 11: by Lydia (last edited Jan 05, 2012 06:15PM) (new)

Lydia (loverofinformation) | 596 comments Jessica wrote: "3.4 Read a book where politics plays a role - The Iron King
4.3 What is St. Patrick’s Day without magic? - Ash"

Hi Jessica, Welcome to the Challenge. You can review about the things we need for posting.

I would like the number of pages and if you want credit for a genre. So just let me know.
I have the number of pages. Just let me know if you want to give them a designated genre.

message 12: by Lydia (new)

Lydia (loverofinformation) | 596 comments Amy wrote: "4.1 read a book where the main character falls in love
The Tear Collector
pages: 239
genre: fantasy/supernatural

total points this challenge: 30
total pages this challenge: 574"

Amy, I have you at 577 pages

message 13: by Lydia (new)

Lydia (loverofinformation) | 596 comments Karis (YA Litwit) wrote: "2.3 A Need So Beautiful by Suzanne Young- 10 points
Genre Bonus (Religious)- 5 points
Pages- 267
Points- 15

I will definitely be reading [book:A Want So Wicked|12924..."

Have you entered - Thank you

message 14: by Kellee (new)

Kellee Moye (kelleemoye) Joanne wrote: "Wild Things Rule!
1.1 Anna Dressed in Blood, Horror, 316 pages, 15 points
1.3 Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, 208 pages, 10 points
It’s a Year of Firsts!
2.1 Dearly Departed by Lia Habel, science..."

You've read all of these since January 1st?!?! That is AMAZING! I am impressed :)

message 15: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie (Reading is Better With Cupcakes) (imjustcupcake) | 191 comments 2.3 - Leviathan - 440 pages by Scott Westerfeld - 10 points
Genre bonus - War - 5 points

I saw it in the library and was "hey Ive been wanting to read that" so I checked it out. I will definately try to get my hands on the next two. Good book.

Points Earned = 15
Total Points = 15
Books Read = 1
Pages Read = 440
Genres Used = War

message 16: by Amy (new)

Amy Thanks Lydia! It's very possible that I didn't add correctly!

message 17: by Kristen (new)

Kristen Harvey | 1046 comments Trying to start off 2012 right. :)

2.3 Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor, 418 pages
Genre: Paranormal

3.2 Cinder by Marissa Meyer, 387 pages
Genre: Sci-Fi

Points Earned: 30
Total Points: 30
Books Read: 2
Pages Read: 805
Genres Used: Paranormal, Sci-Fi

message 18: by Jojobean (last edited Jan 06, 2012 01:47PM) (new)

Jojobean Kellee wrote: You've read all of these since January 1st?!?! That is AMAZING! I am impressed :)

thanks but no i didn't read the books. I wish i was that good. its my list. Did I not do it right? This is the first time I've done a challenge for this group. I thought we were supposed to make out list and cross them off when we read them. If i did not do it correctly can you tell me how i am supposed to put down the books I plan to read for this challenge? Thanks :)

message 19: by Brandi (new)

Brandi (librandian) | 206 comments 4.2 What about the Ides of March? Read a book that involves an element of death

The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater 404 pages

Genre: Fantasy/Supernatural

Total points: 15
Total pages: 404

message 20: by Angela Sunshine (new)

Angela Sunshine (angelasunshine) Joanne wrote: "Kellee wrote: You've read all of these since January 1st?!?! That is AMAZING! I am impressed :)

thanks but no i didn't read the books. I wish i was that good. its my list. Did I not do it right? ..."

Right idea, wrong location! :)

You can post your planned list in this thread: http://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/7...

The "report points here" thread (the one we're in now) is where you give the completed task info. You want to include the task #, book title, author, number of pages and anything else required by the task in your post here. See message 20 for an example of how your post should look.

This thread is mostly no chatting, just reporting. The thread where your list is going to be posted is where we can chat about tasks and books.

message 21: by Amy (new)

Amy 2.3 read a book that is the first in a series.
pages 294
genre: folk/fairy tale (does this work for this book)?
points this book: 15

total points this challenge: 45
total pages this challenge: 871

I picked this book up on a whim. I liked the cover and I had run out of things I felt like reading at home (even though I have a ton of books on my to be read shelf). Anyway, normall I don't like stories about fairies and such. But this one was definitely a little different, in that the character is a faerie that is also a plant. It was an easy read and I've just put the next three on my to be read shelf. Definitely liking that there are also two male characters fighting for one girl. Hoping she picks the one I like better.

message 22: by Lydia (new)

Lydia (loverofinformation) | 596 comments Joanne wrote: "Kellee wrote: You've read all of these since January 1st?!?! That is AMAZING! I am impressed :)

thanks but no i didn't read the books. I wish i was that good. its my list. Did I not do it right? ..."

Joanne, That's okay. The list usually goes on the discussion list, but I'll just ignore it for now. As you finish each book, just post it here.

message 23: by Lydia (new)

Lydia (loverofinformation) | 596 comments Stephanie wrote: "2.3 - Leviathan - 440 pages by Scott Westerfeld - 10 points
Genre bonus - War - 5 points

I saw it in the library and was "hey Ive been wanting to read that" so I c..."

So entered.

message 24: by Lydia (new)

Lydia (loverofinformation) | 596 comments Kristen wrote: "Trying to start off 2012 right. :)

2.3 Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor, 418 pages
Genre: Paranormal

3.2 Cinder by Marissa Meyer, 387 pages
Genre: ..."

Kristen -- I have your entries, but cannot find your discussion on Daughter of Smoke and Bone. Please let me know.

message 25: by Lydia (new)

Lydia (loverofinformation) | 596 comments Brandi wrote: "4.2 What about the Ides of March? Read a book that involves an element of death

The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater 404 pages

Genre: Fantasy/Supernatural


Entered Brandi -- Just finished this book myself a couple of days ago. I loved it -- my husband didn't. (tee hee)

message 26: by Lydia (new)

Lydia (loverofinformation) | 596 comments Amy wrote: "2.3 read a book that is the first in a series.
pages 294
genre: folk/fairy tale (does this work for this book)?
points this book: 15

total points this challenge: 45

Gotcha Amy. I did not make this guideline clear -- but I really meant for the discussion to be on one of the boards.

message 27: by Stephanie (last edited Jan 07, 2012 11:28PM) (new)

Stephanie (Reading is Better With Cupcakes) (imjustcupcake) | 191 comments 4.2 - The Awakening - 360 pages by Kelley Armstrong - 10 points
Genre - Paranormal - 5 points

She can raise the dead, thats pretty death relevant me me =)

Points Earned = 15
Total Points = 30
Books Read = 2
Pages Read = 800
Genres Used = War; Paranormal

message 28: by Amy (new)

Amy So do I need to start a thread for my book and move the comments?

message 29: by Kristen (new)

Kristen Harvey | 1046 comments Sorry Lydia, obviously was not paying attention. I just added a thread in Sci-fi/Fantasy for it. :)

message 30: by Kellee (new)

Kellee Moye (kelleemoye) Amy wrote: "So do I need to start a thread for my book and move the comments?"

Yes please- we are trying to get the discussion boards to be more active so Lydia included posting on the boards as part of this challenge.

message 31: by Kellee (new)

Kellee Moye (kelleemoye) Completed Tasks

2.2 How to Save a Life by Sara Zarr (341 pages) 1/2/12
Mandy leaves her town for the first time.
Genre bonus: Realistic Fiction

4.2 The Way We Fall by Megan Crewe (304 pages) 1/8/12
All about a virus epidemic that kills many people in Kaelyn’s island community.
Genre bonus: Sci-Fi

Total points: 30

message 32: by Jojobean (new)

Jojobean Angela wrote: Right idea, wrong location! :)


message 33: by Beth (new)

Beth (bll1010) | 86 comments 3.4 Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie by David Lubar. 288 pages.
At one point, Scott runs for student council and is elected.
Genre: Humor

4.2 Heist Society by Ally Carter. 287 pages.
Kat's mother's death still affects her, and her father's life is being threatened.
Genre: Horror/Thriller/Suspense (more suspense than the other two)

+10 3.4
+5 Humor genre
+10 4.2
+5 Suspense genre
30 points

TOTAL = 30 points, 2 books, 575 pages.

message 34: by Brandi (new)

Brandi (librandian) | 206 comments 2.2 Read a book where the character has a first (e.g., first date, first dance, first day at school, first travel out of the state/country).

Before I Die by Jenny Downham 336 pages

Tessa experiences many firsts as she copes with terminal cancer including drugs, sex, and committing a crime.

Genre: Romance

Total points: 30
Total pages: 740

message 35: by Brandi (new)

Brandi (librandian) | 206 comments Lydia wrote: "Brandi wrote: "4.2 What about the Ides of March? Read a book that involves an element of death

The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater 404 pages

Genre: Fantasy/Sup..."

I really disliked this book. I have many reasons. I'm hoping to write a complete review today for the book.

message 36: by Amy (new)

Amy 2.5 read a book that has first in the title
First Day on Earth
genre: realistic fiction/contemporary
pages this book: 150
points this book: 15

total points this challenge: 60
total pages this book: 1021

message 37: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie (Reading is Better With Cupcakes) (imjustcupcake) | 191 comments 5.2 - Outside In by Maria V. Snyder - 326 pages (10 points)
Genre Bonus - Sci Fi (5 points)

Points Earned = 15
Total Points = 45
Books Read = 3
Pages Read = 1126
Genres Used = War; Paranormal; Sci Fi

message 38: by Stephanie (last edited Jan 11, 2012 01:27PM) (new)

Stephanie (Reading is Better With Cupcakes) (imjustcupcake) | 191 comments 4.1 Fallen in Love - 208 pages (10 points)
Genre Bonus - Romance (5 points)

Points Earned = 15
Total Points = 60
Books Read = 4
Pages Read = 1334
Genres Used = War; Paranormal; Sci Fi; Romance

message 39: by Brandi (new)

Brandi (librandian) | 206 comments 2.3 Read a book that is the first in a series. Discuss why you selected this particular book and if you will try to read the next in the series.

Daemon Hall by Andrew Nance 272 pages

I choose to read this book because it is going to be a book discussion title for my Library Lunch program at a local high school. I try to choose titles that are not well-known to lessen the possibility of the teens already reading the title. It was a very unique horror book that had numerous "stories within the stories." I don't have any plans to read the sequel, but it would be interesting to see how he uses the characters in a second novel.

Genre: Horror/Thriller/Suspense

Total Points: 45
Total Pages: 1012

message 40: by Karis (new)

Karis Jacobstein (yalitwit) | 419 comments I'm changing the genre of A Need So Beautiful from Religious to Paranormal. Point values remain the same.

2.2 Twilight: The Graphic Novel, Vol. 1 by Stephenie Meyer- Bella has lots of firsts. First kiss, first date, first boyfriend, etc.- 10 points
Genre Bonus (Manga/Graphic)- 5 points
Pages- 224
Points- 15

2.5a First Date by Krista McGee- 10 points
Genre Bonus (Religious)- 5 points
Pages- 336

4.5a The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith- 10 points
Genre Bonus (Romance)- 5 points
Pages- 236
Points- 15

5.1 The International Kissing Club by Ivy Adams- 10 points
Genre Bonus (Multicultural)- 5 points
Pages- 400
Points- 15

Posted on THIS discussion board.

Total Points: 105
Pages Read: 2,039
Books Read: 7
Genres: Classic, Dystopia, Religious, Paranormal, Graphic/Manga, Multicultural, Romance

message 41: by Kali (last edited Jan 13, 2012 03:20PM) (new)

Kali (kalirawrs) 2.1 How to Date an Alien: My Alien Romance by Magan Vernon 272 pages +10
Genre- Paranormal +5

2.2 Shattered by Kailin Gow 258 Pages +10

2.3 Desire by Kailin Gow 290 pages +10
Genre: Romance +5

I read this book because it was all over my recommended here and on Amazon based on other books I've purchased. I have read the next book in the series, and I've also been reading more of her work because I enjoy her writing so much! It's so easy to get lost in her books for me so I'll be reading all of her books eventually.

3.2 Delirium by Lauren Oliver 441 Pages +10
Genre - Dystopian + 5

4.1 Forever Frost by Kailin Gow 254 pages +10
Genre: Fantasy +5

4.2 Here by Denise Grover Swank 350 Pages +10
Genre - Mystery +5

Total Points: 85
Pages Read: 1611

message 42: by Karis (new)

Karis Jacobstein (yalitwit) | 419 comments Kali wrote: "2.1 How to Date an Alien: My Alien Romance by Magan Vernon 272 pages +10
Genre- Sci-Fi, Paranormal, Romance + 15

2.2 Shattered by [author:Kailin..."

Welcome to the board! Just an FYI, you can only claim one genre bonus per book (for instance, you can't claim Horror and Mystery for Here; it's one or the other). I'm sure you'll be able to find books for the other though.

message 43: by Lydia (new)

Lydia (loverofinformation) | 596 comments Kristen wrote: "Sorry Lydia, obviously was not paying attention. I just added a thread in Sci-fi/Fantasy for it. :)"


message 44: by Lydia (new)

Lydia (loverofinformation) | 596 comments Kellee wrote: "Completed Tasks

2.2 How to Save a Life by Sara Zarr (341 pages) 1/2/12
Mandy leaves her town for the first time.
Genre bonus: Realistic Fiction

4.2 [book:The Way W..."


message 45: by Lydia (new)

Lydia (loverofinformation) | 596 comments Brandi wrote: "Lydia wrote: "Brandi wrote: "4.2 What about the Ides of March? Read a book that involves an element of death

The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater 404 pages


Brandi, I have this as 4.4 -- will change to 4.2

message 46: by Lydia (new)

Lydia (loverofinformation) | 596 comments Brandi wrote: "2.3 Read a book that is the first in a series. Discuss why you selected this particular book and if you will try to read the next in the series.

Daemon Hall by [author:Andrew Nance|1..."

Brandi, The discussion should be on the appropriate board. You can move it there.

message 47: by Lydia (new)

Lydia (loverofinformation) | 596 comments Kali, I need to know which genre you want to use for How to Date an Alien and Here.

Your discussion should be posted on the appropriate board for Desire.

If you want to designate genres for the other books, please let me know.

And yes, welcome!

message 48: by Kali (new)

Kali (kalirawrs) I fixed my genres. I'll do the discussion for Desire later tonight.

message 49: by Lydia (new)

Lydia (loverofinformation) | 596 comments Well, it's lucky Friday the 13th! And Challenge #11 is well under way! Here are the points and pages.

Karis: 105 points, 2039 pages
Kali: 65 points, 1607 pages (points pending)
Stephanie: 60 points, 1334 pages
Amy: 60 points, 1021 pages
Brandi: 45 points, 1012 pages
Kristen: 30 points, 805 pages
Kellee: 30 points, 645 pages
Beth: 30 points, 575 pages
Jessica: 20 points, 654 pages

This participants in this challenge are already working on the 10,000 page mark! (Current number of pages: 9692)

Hope you are having fun!

message 50: by Lydia (new)

Lydia (loverofinformation) | 596 comments Note: Kali is now at 85 points

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