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Romance and Paranormal Authors List and Series discussion

Author List - M > Kinley MacGregor (AKA Sherilyn Kenyon)

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message 1: by Lori (last edited Dec 01, 2008 10:43PM) (new)

Lori Ehrman (lorilei) | 64 comments Mod
Kinley MacGregor

# of Books = 14

Kinley MacGregor's Homepage

Genre:Contemporary, Historical, Paranormal

The League
1. Born of the Night - 01/96 - FT
2. Born of Fire - 06/98 - FT
3. Paradise City - 08/94 - FT
4. " Man of My Dreams" - 07/01 - FT Anthology::Fire And Ice

The Sea Wolves
1. Master of Seduction - 01/00 — HST Jack Rhys
2. A Pirate of Her Own - 04/99 — HST Morgan Drake

The MacAllisters
1. Master of Desire - 02/01 - HST Draven of Ravenswood
2. Claiming the Highlander - 03/02 — HST Braden MacAllister
3. Born in Sin - 02/03 - HST Sin MacAllister
4. Taming the Scotsman - 09/03 - HST Ewan MacAllister
5. Midsummer's Knight 08/03 - HST Simon of Ravenswood Anthology: Where's My Hero? - 2003
6. The Warrior - 12/07 - HST Lochlan MacAllister

Brotherhood of the Sword
1. Master of Desire - 02/01 - HST Draven of Ravenswood
2. Born in Sin - 02/03 - HST Sin MacAllister
3. Taming the Scotsman - 09/03 - HST Ewan MacAllister
4. Midsummer's Knight 08/03 - HST Simon of Ravenswood Anthology: Where's My Hero? - 2003
5. Dark Champion, A - 05/04 - HST Stryder of Blackmoor
6. Return Of The Warrior - 05/05 - HST Christian of Ac
7. The Warrior - 12/07 - HST Lochlan MacAllister

Note: The MacAllister and Brotherhood novel do indeeed overlap within one another. To read both series at the same time the order is:
1. Master of Desire - 02/01 - HST Draven of Ravenswood
2. Claiming the Highlander - 03/02 — HST Braden MacAllister
3. Born in Sin - 02/03 - HST Sin MacAllister
4. Taming the Scotsman - 09/03 - HST Ewan MacAllister
5. Midsummer's Knight 08/03 - HST Simon of Ravenswood Anthology: Where's My Hero? - 2003
6. Dark Champion, A - 05/04 - HST Stryder of Blackmoor
7. Return Of The Warrior - 05/05 - HST Christian of Ac
8. The Warrior - 12/07 - HST Lochlan MacAllister

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