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Character Romances > Percy and Annabeth

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message 1: by Erika, Dream Thief (new)

Erika (livingforthebooks) | 3819 comments Mod
What do you think of them?

message 2: by Hannah (new)

Hannah (cloveshay) | 97 comments Percy and Annabeth just had to be together from the very beginning. They always had feelings for the other, and were jealous whenever the other loved someone else. So yeah..... made for each other.....

message 3: by Ela (new)

Ela I adored them in the last PJ book(battle of Olympus?)

message 4: by Emma (new)

Emma Well, they were obviously going to be together but I was happy they ended up together anyway!

message 5: by Ela (new)

Ela Evelyn Grey *Shadowhunter* wrote: "ikr! i loved the part were they kissed then clarisse shouted finaly! and evryone came out and cariies them while they still held hands!"

Yeah that was so cute, especially as they got all embrassed :D

message 6: by Nikki (new)

Nikki Sojkowski (nikkisoj) | 873 comments I love the underwater kiss cause only Percy could accomplish that hahaha

message 7: by Sydney (new)

Sydney Percy & Annabeth are sooo cute <3

message 8: by Fatima (new)

Fatima I love Percy and Annabeth!! They crack me up and it was obvious that they liked each other from the beginning

message 9: by Farhia (new)

Farhia (farhia97) | 105 comments sad how it took that long for Percy to finally realize Annabeth actually like him, but they are by far one ofthe cutest couples <3

message 10: by Nikki (new)

Nikki Sojkowski (nikkisoj) | 873 comments Farhia wrote: "sad how it took that long for Percy to finally realize Annabeth actually like him, but they are by far one ofthe cutest couples <3"

Well that's cause Annabeth was obsessed with saving Luke, his ENEMY

message 11: by Ela (new)

Ela Farhia wrote: "sad how it took that long for Percy to finally realize Annabeth actually like him, but they are by far one ofthe cutest couples <3"

I liked the fact that they were friends before they started dating, and I also means that the entire series didn't revolve around their relationship, which was refreshing

message 12: by Mary (new)

Mary Dempsey (BigonBooks) Do NOT even get me started on this couple. I could talk your ear off for days!

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)

lol ikr!! They're just the cutest, sweetest most awesome couple EVER!!

message 14: by Nila (new)

Nila | 109 comments BEST. FREAKING. COUPLE. EVER.

message 15: by Beatrice (new)

Beatrice (beatricemasalunga) I love their underwater kiss :))

message 16: by Annabel ♥ (new)

Annabel ♥ (cinnamonbliss) | 2082 comments OMG so cute. <33 The underwater kiss was the absolute best <3

message 17: by Mini (new)

Mini Percabeth !!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 my all time favourite couple !!!!

message 18: by Linda (new)

Linda Peng | 11 comments I love Percy and Annabeth! SQUEEEEE!!!!

message 19: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Jackson | 13 comments definitely my all time favourite couple!!!!!!<3

message 20: by Sophia (new)

Sophia | 27 comments Percy and Annabeth are perfect. But I like how it wasn't insta-love. They weren't officially together until the last book. That's what made it realistic and cute

message 21: by RosiePosie (new)

RosiePosie ~/TiEd uP In KNoTs\~ (s-c-a-t-t-e-r-me) | 88 comments Percabeth Forever <3 If anything happens to them in the next heroes of olympus I will die…

message 22: by RosiePosie (new)

RosiePosie ~/TiEd uP In KNoTs\~ (s-c-a-t-t-e-r-me) | 88 comments Milena wrote: "I feel sorry for Percy. Annabeth seems like a needy girlfriend. I've read a short in the demigod diaries and she was really mad about Percy not remembering that's it's been one month since their fi..."

I see where you are coming from there that does seem kind of needy… but I love them anyway :)

message 23: by chinami (new)

chinami | 139 comments percabeth!

message 24: by Tamanna (new)

Tamanna (tamaska) Percabety is the best ya pairing ever!

message 25: by [deleted user] (new)

Percabeth!!!!!! :)

Alice (Booksandfreshlybrewedtea) (earthtoalice) PERCABETH PERCABETH they are, they are just perfection! ahh just thinking about makes me go all dreamy!

message 27: by Zoe (new)

Zoe (zoelezebre) I SHIP PERCABETH SO FREAKING HARD! They are just so perfect. The characters are already awesome alone, together their awesomeness levels practically shoot through the roof.

message 28: by Priya (new)

Priya | 50 comments Okay, okay, please don't kill me, but just a few times, their relationship seemed a teeny-weeny bit forced in the first series. Sometimes I really didn't like Annabeth. I mean, I get that she's jealous, but Rachel was their key in the labyrinth! Couldn't she relax just a bit? But by the end of the Last Olympian, I started shipping them as much as you guys (I still can't decide between them and Ron/Hermione, though). Except, I, uh, may ship Leo/Calypso a tiny bit more.
At the end of the Son of Neptune, I was sooooo mad. Just a few ore pages, Rick! You could release Mark of Athena five years later for all I cared, as I long as I saw them unite! But noooo. In the end, though, I guess it was worth it :)

message 29: by Jorbegozo (new)

Jorbegozo | 6 comments I've always loved Percabeth, but I see what you mean. Sometimes I also like other couples and I don't think that's wrong, Percabeth doesn't have to be the only pairing, right? And I honestly agree that poor Rachel gets too much hate. I always thought she's sort of like a fan girl. Imagine what you would've done in her place. Percy Jackson runs into you and KEEPS running into you...

message 30: by Jordan (new)

Jordan (jordash207) Please don't boot me out for asking, I just joined a couple days ago but...Who are Percy and Annabeth? What am I missing?

message 31: by Jordan (new)

Jordan (jordash207) Please don't boot me out for asking, I just joined a couple days ago but...Who are Percy and Annabeth? What am I missing?

message 32: by Cinthia (last edited Nov 02, 2014 03:14PM) (new)

Cinthia (cinthiah) Jordan wrote: "Please don't boot me out for asking, I just joined a couple days ago but...Who are Percy and Annabeth? What am I missing?"

Jordan, they are the main characters in the Percy Jackson series.
The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #1) by Rick Riordan The Sea of Monsters (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #2) by Rick Riordan The Titan's Curse (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #3) by Rick Riordan The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #4) by Rick Riordan The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #5) by Rick Riordan
You should definitely read it.

message 33: by Jordan (new)

Jordan (jordash207) Ohhhhh. I'll definitely check it out. Thanks

message 34: by Jordan (new)

Jordan (jordash207) question, do i have to read the Percy Jackson series before I can read THE HEROS OF OLYMPUS series? I read a bit of the back cover of THe Last Hero and it sounded like the characters were the same so I'm assuming the story lines are probably connected as well...?

message 35: by Charis (new)

Charis | 3 comments Well, there is a connection to the Percy Jackson series.. So yes, it would be better for you to read the HoO after you read the PJ series..

message 36: by Jordan (new)

Jordan (jordash207) ok that's what I'll do then, thanks

message 37: by antoanaxo (new)

antoanaxo | 70 comments PERCABETH!

message 38: by Miracle (new)

Miracle (bibliophilelife) | 14 comments im currently reading the series for the first time after loving the spin off series the heros of Olympus series which i absolutely loved i know im reading them in the wrong order and wow im just getting to series all yeses

message 39: by Duchessbookworm (new)

Duchessbookworm I love them so much!

message 40: by Nikki (new)

Nikki (NikkisNook) | 18 comments Percy and Annabeth are AMAZING!

message 41: by Allison (new)

Allison At first, I really liked them together, but as Heroes of Olympus went on...I found myself longing for when they were just friends. I found their romantic relationship got very annoying and it seemed like it was a very big thing in the actual series, but something just for the fangirls. I preferred their friendship over their romantic relationship.

((Don't kill me.))

message 42: by Mariam (new)

Mariam | 32 comments I don't really know. There weren't many other female characters for Percy to end up with so I just think that the author just wanted them to be together. Anyways there really a cute couple.

message 43: by Elm (new)

Elm YES. That is all I have to say. I LOVE them together, as so many do, but it's because their friendship, and relationship, was so beautiful and built on trust.

message 44: by Daithui (new)

Daithui Mei (funnylittlemei) | 30 comments Freaking #1 OTP!

message 45: by Yumnaa (new)

Yumnaa | 1 comments Proper OTP! They're so adorable together, not only as a couple but as bestfriends :')

message 46: by Tamsyn (new)

Tamsyn  (tamsyc) | 8 comments Milena wrote: "I feel sorry for Percy. Annabeth seems like a needy girlfriend. I've read a short in the demigod diaries and she was really mad about Percy not remembering that's it's been one month since their fi..."

I sorta agree with you but I think what they've been through makes them a good couple and they can tolerate each others weaknesses better. When Percy had that major flip out in Tartarus Annabeth stayed with him when most would have been too scared. and Annabeth being mad about him forgetting their one-month-versary is really normal most couples would get pissed abut that.

✿ ~Yessenia~♥︎ (queenofcards) | 10 comments Cute! I like how their relationship evolved throughout the books!

message 48: by Tessa (new)

Tessa Clark | 35 comments They are basically the most perfect/true OTP :)
No people in a relationship are this honest, playful, and great to each other. It's so cute how they've know each other for so long, and they had proper time to really get to know each other. This OTP is life.

message 49: by Christen (new)

Christen | 1 comments I agree! Percabeth ALL the way!!!

message 50: by Avery (new)

Avery Taryn (averytaryn) | 1 comments They are just /)("3")(\ the otp

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