Tips for Self Promotion, Sales, and Advertising discussion

Trailers and Video Topics > New Book Trailers

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message 1: by Zoë (last edited Mar 03, 2012 05:22AM) (new)

Zoë S. Roy (zoesroy) | 1 comments Hi There,

A newbie in the group.:-) I’ve made two book trailers, one for my new novel, The Long March Home, the other for my short story collection, Butterfly Tears,

Could you offer your feedback so that I can creat a better one next time?


message 2: by Debra Jayne (new)

Debra Jayne East (debrajayneeast) | 11 comments I have a Book Trailer group on Facebook that has some great people who give tips and advice.Try posting there. Dreamscapes

message 3: by Randy (new)

Randy Mixter | 6 comments The short (30 second) trailer for my book Morning Star is now on YouTube. You can see it here.

message 4: by Angelo (new)

Angelo Swinson (AuthorAngeloMSwinson) | 4 comments Author Angelo M. Swinson Best Selling Book No More Dysfunctional Love Foreword Prophet Luther Mckinstry III

message 5: by Jill (new)

Jill Sanders (jillmsanders) | 28 comments I have new videos for my four part contemporary romance series.

[image error]

Finding Pride:
Discovering Pride:
Returning Pride:
Lasting Pride:

I would LOVE to get some thoughts on these. I've created them myself.... Let me know what you think.

message 7: by Kim (new)

Kim Black (kimblack) | 1 comments Hey guys just wanted to share my new book trailer for DISCOVERED:

Tell me what you think :)

message 8: by Christine (new)

Christine Duval | 1 comments Here is the trailer to my new NA/YA contemporary novel Positively Mine, releasing December 19th, 2013 from Bloomsbury:

Positively Mine
Christine Duval

message 9: by Perie (new)

Perie Wolford | 1 comments Hi, I'm new here. Here is my book trailer, check it out...

message 10: by Dennis (new)

Dennis II (dennisnappiii) | 8 comments Hello everyone. Thank you for sharing your trailers. I wish you all the best of luck!


Here is mine for "Service, A Soldier's Journey: Counterintelligence, Law Enforcement, and the Violence of Urban Education."

message 11: by Aaron (new)

Aaron Dries (aarondries) | 2 comments Hi everyone,

I'm new here too. There's some wonderful information on these boards about what to actually do with your book trailer once you've produced it.

Here's me throwing my hat into the ring. I'm happy with how this trailer turned out, but I'd love to know what you think. I filmed it here in Australia and on location in Thailand, whilst holidaying.

message 12: by Kendra (new)

Kendra (kendra_leighton) Hey all! Here's the trailer for my YA paranormal romance Glimpse, inspired by Alfred Noyes' poem 'The Highwayman'. Love to hear your thoughts!

message 13: by Michael (new)

Michael Vandor | 5 comments That is an impressive marketing video. Is Youtube working for you? Who did the video and voiceover? Cost?

message 14: by Kendra (new)

Kendra (kendra_leighton) Michael wrote: "That is an impressive marketing video. Is Youtube working for you? Who did the video and voiceover? Cost?"

Thanks, Michael! Most of the traffic is coming from other websites rather than YouTube itself, from what I can tell so far. My partner made the video for me. He found a voiceover artist online who fit the role - her name's in the credits. Total cost for the trailer was surprisingly cheap, but I'm lucky in that I didn't need to hire a professional for video editing.

message 15: by Michael (new)

Michael Vandor | 5 comments Very well done, if you felt YouTube was producing meaningful sales I would be interested in doing something similar. BTW, couldn't find your book on Amazon was curious why?

message 16: by Kendra (new)

Kendra (kendra_leighton) Michael wrote: "Very well done, if you felt YouTube was producing meaningful sales I would be interested in doing something similar. BTW, couldn't find your book on Amazon was curious why?"

Thanks! The book's being published in the UK - it's only on the site at the moment.

message 17: by Carol (new)

Carol Vorvain (carolvorvain) | 2 comments Dear Ones,

I wish I could say something inspiring, something funny, something that will touch your heart.

But my character, Dora in When Dreams are Calling is doing all this for me.
So, let's follow Dora, the happiness hunter, the dream chaser, this witty young lady whose only constant is change.

Here are the two book trailers for the book:

And here is me taking you for a tour in rhymes of my city, Melbourne: the best city in the world? For me, definitely.

message 18: by Grigory (new)

Grigory Ryzhakov (ryzhakov) | 4 comments I have recently made several book trailers for my books and even used my music for a couple of them. Making book trailers is even more fun than writing for me :)
I wonder what, you guys, think of them

message 19: by Grigory (new)

Grigory Ryzhakov (ryzhakov) | 4 comments Kendra, your trailer is superb , it should be shown in the cinemas :)

message 20: by Kendra (new)

Kendra (kendra_leighton) Grigory wrote: "Kendra, your trailer is superb , it should be shown in the cinemas :)"

Thanks so much, Grigory! I watched your three trailers and they're great - very clean-looking and to-the-point. Love your book cover too.

message 21: by Grigory (new)

Grigory Ryzhakov (ryzhakov) | 4 comments Oh thank you, Kendra. You are too kind. I hope your book is doing well. And will dazzle us soon with a new trailer :)

message 22: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia Joyce | 3 comments Aaron wrote: "Hi everyone,

I'm new here too. There's some wonderful information on these boards about what to actually do with your book trailer once you've produced it.

Here's me throwing my hat into the rin..."

Great trailer! It made me want to read the book.

message 23: by Adam (new)

Adam Abbas | 1 comments If anyone likes poetry, or hates poetry, I invite you to watch the Super 8 trailer I created for my new book A State A Statue A Statute:

I posted my trailer in another thread, hopefully doing so here isn't too gauche. But seriously, please take a look and tell me what you think, I would appreciate it.

message 24: by Emily (new)

Emily Verona (emilyrv) Hey everyone, the official teaser for CONVERSATIONS: A COLLECTION OF SHORT STORIES is here if you want to take a look. The official trailer will be out later this month.

Check out the teaser here:

If you like conversational fiction and want to preorder the book, or even just take a look, you can do so here:


message 25: by Xunaira (new)

Xunaira J. | 2 comments Hey Everyone!

The book trailer for my trilogy, The Time Series, is now available. You can view it on YouTube.

message 26: by Paul (last edited Jan 11, 2015 11:21PM) (new)

Paul (paul_ikin) | 1 comments Wow some amazing trailers guys! I put one together with some of my books chapter illustrations. Pre-order Book Trailer for my debut novel, The Other Side of Eve. Thanks for looking!

You can view it here (long & short versions)

message 27: by Vera (last edited Apr 21, 2015 04:56AM) (new)

Vera (kara_veronika) | 2 comments Hello, everyone.
This is the cinematic book trailer for my upcoming novel:
'The vagrant with the golden watch'.

I would appreciate if you could give me some feedback - I'd like to know if you like it, if you can get a feeling for the story, if you love the mood and tone etc. Also I'd love to know if you think this kind of visual promotion works, and if it attracts readers (and not just viewers).

Have a wonderful day,

message 28: by Kristy (new)

Kristy Rulebreaker | 1 comments Hello! I am Kristy. Here is my new book trailer for my first poetry collection "The Poems Choose Me!". :)

message 29: by Justin (new)

Justin (justinbienvenue) Hey Everyone,
I have a few book trailers for my books on Youtube as well as one I made for my cousins book and two webinars talking about my upcoming novel, Opium Warfare. You can check it out @

I am currently working on the trailer for Opium Warfare and hope to have that up soon for view.

message 30: by Danielle (new)

Danielle Tate (goodreadscomelegantentrepreneur) | 1 comments I just joined - Thank you, this is an area I am wrestling with now

message 32: by John (new)

John Lefevere (johnlefevere) | 3 comments I’m letting everyone know that I now have a book trailer for The Scimitar And The Snail on YouTube. You can find it here:

message 33: by Raúl (new)

Raúl Gilo | 2 comments Here´s my last booktrailer for "Sell More and Better, Eternal Sales Techniques beyond Internet":

Discover in a more entertaining way how to sell more and better!

(Note: I could not hire Steven (Spielberg), he was busy, so that the video is self-edited :))

message 34: by BookInMotion (new)

BookInMotion | 3 comments Book in Motion is a new team offering professional book release videos

message 35: by Kimberly (new)

Kimberly Rouse | 2 comments

This is the book video trailer for my Autobio.....Betrayed By God. You are certain to love this book all the way to the very end. Be Blessed.

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