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Catastrophic Negativity > Catastrophic Vibrational Negativity

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message 1: by Stephen (last edited Apr 22, 2012 07:41PM) (new)

Stephen Richards (StephenRichards) | 104 comments Mod
The main heading of this folder should read as per this discussion topic heading: Catastrophic Vibrational Negativity, but since it only allows 32 characters in the main folder heading it was shortened to accommodate.

What is Catastrophic Vibrational Negativity (CVN)?

Catastrophic vibrational negativity is like this; imagine connecting the two ends of a wire to the terminals of a dry cell battery? When an electrical charge flows through the wire a magnetic field is created around the wire. This can be demonstrated by sprinkling some iron filings around the wire. A pattern will form, outlining the electromagnetic field surrounding the wire. A charge will be set up and this is what attracts the filings to the field.

The nature of any object with a magnetic field around it is to attract to it over a distance of space another object with a similar magnetic field around it. Catastrophic vibrational negativity attracts catastrophic vibrational negativity. The emotional feeling comes first, and sets up a charge which then results in a corresponding event subsequently drawn into our environment! Do you understand the concept? Good! Now we are getting somewhere.

Society has the understanding of this relationship backwards. We believe that events happen because we are powerless beings. If the event is perceived as ‘bad’, we will be struck down with a barrage of negative emotions. The event is then blamed for causing the effects - negative feelings such as anger, resentment or depression.

We have all had some kind of fallout, one way or another, with someone. It is only through forgiveness that the karma that connects you to catastrophic vibrational negativity is resolved, but never dissolved. When you forgive each other, and you truly do this with your heart, then your karma can be freed and negative energies directed away from you, as they have no hook to latch on to. The negative energies can be rerouted. Where they are rerouted to is not your concern, so long as you are free of them. You cannot hope to destroy such energy or absorb it away from the world, there is just too much of it going around.

Stephen Richards


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