Existentialism discussion

Either/Or: A Fragment of Life
This topic is about Either/Or
The Unhappiest One

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Littlevision | 38 comments Mod
Discussion for
Either/Or - Part One
The Unhappiest One

Jimmy | 85 comments “He cannot become old, for he has never been young; he cannot become young, for he is already old. In one sense of the word he cannot die, for he is already old. In one sense of the word he cannot die, for he has not really lived; in another sense he cannot live, for he is already died. He cannot love, for love is in the present, and he has no present, no future, and no past; and yet he has a sympathetic nature, and e hates the world only because he loves it. He has no passion, not because he is destitute of it, but because simultaneously he has the opposite passion. He has no time for anything, not because his time is take up with something else, but because he has no time at all. He is impotent, not because he has no energy, but because his own energy makes him impotent.”

The above is Kierkegaard's description of the unhappiest one.

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