SA Book & Challenge Lovers discussion

Retired Challenges > August SA Word Challenge

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message 1: by Lu (new)

Lu | 12672 comments Mod
The word is HAM. Lets get started!

Use the books you finish in August to fill out the word, using the first letter of the first word in the title (excluding 'the', 'a' or 'an') or the first letter of the author's name, middle name or surname.

Good luck everyone!

message 2: by Claudia (last edited Aug 12, 2012 01:17AM) (new)

message 3: by Lu (last edited Aug 01, 2012 09:45AM) (new)

Lu | 12672 comments Mod
H - Glitch by Heather Anastasiu
A - Dreamless by Josephine Angelini
M - Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry


Confessions of an Angry Girl
Thomas Lex - Quarantine, Book One: The Loners
Grave Mercy by RL LaFevers (netgalley)
Enemy of the Fae (review)
Artic Incident by Eion Colfer (netgalley)
When the Sea is Rising Red by Cat Hellisen (Review)(panmacmillan)
The Debutantes (random from panmacmillan)
Breaking the Devil's Heart (Review)

message 4: by Barbara (last edited Aug 12, 2012 08:42AM) (new)

Barbara | 4434 comments Mod
It doesn't happen often that I decide before the word of the month starts to join in, but this time I am sure I should be able to read the three books required so here we go:

H - Highlander for the holidays - Janet Chapman
A - Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
M - Circle of Fire - Michelle Zink


message 5: by Liezel (last edited Aug 12, 2012 11:16AM) (new)

Liezel (liezkl) | 736 comments H -
A -
M - The Magicians Apprentice - Trudi Canavan

message 6: by Lauren (last edited Aug 16, 2012 03:55AM) (new)

Lauren Smith H - Unearthly by Cynthia Hand
A - Cry to Heaven by Anne Rice
M - Railsea by China Mieville

message 7: by Varla Fiona (last edited Aug 27, 2012 04:56AM) (new)

Varla Fiona (dory_42) | 1332 comments Mod
My spot...

✔H - How to Train Your Dragon August 11
✔A - Brave New World by Aldous Huxley August 9
✔M - Un Lun Dun by China Miéville August 19

message 8: by Lauren (Sugar & Snark) (last edited Aug 19, 2012 06:07PM) (new)

Lauren (Sugar & Snark) | 1262 comments Mod
How is Ham South African??

H - Colleen Hoover - Slammed
A - Angelfall
M -Yours Until Dawn- Teresa Medeiros

message 9: by Lu (new)

Lu | 12672 comments Mod
Lol Ham is also Afrikaans for Ham, so we just rolled with it :P

message 10: by Claudia (new)

Claudia (claudiavstoomanybooks) | 1779 comments Sorry, I couldn't think of any original South African words. :P

message 11: by Ashley (new)

Ashley H-
A-Prowl by Amber Garza

message 12: by Claudia (new)

Claudia (claudiavstoomanybooks) | 1779 comments Done!

message 13: by Barbara (new)

Barbara | 4434 comments Mod
I am finished too!

message 14: by Claudia (new)

Claudia (claudiavstoomanybooks) | 1779 comments Congrats!

message 15: by Barbara (new)

Barbara | 4434 comments Mod

message 16: by Liezel (new)

Liezel (liezkl) | 736 comments Congrats to both of you :)

message 17: by Carolien (new)

Carolien (carolien_s) | 2624 comments Mod
Well done both of you!

message 18: by Barbara (new)

Barbara | 4434 comments Mod

message 19: by Ashley (new)

Ashley H - Night Road by Kristin Hannah
A - Prowl by Amber Garza
M - ????

message 21: by Varla Fiona (new)

Varla Fiona (dory_42) | 1332 comments Mod

message 22: by Barbara (new)

Barbara | 4434 comments Mod

message 23: by Varla Fiona (new)

Varla Fiona (dory_42) | 1332 comments Mod

Lauren (Sugar & Snark) | 1262 comments Mod
Finished (last week but forgot I was doing the challenge)
But better late then never :)

message 25: by Varla Fiona (new)

Varla Fiona (dory_42) | 1332 comments Mod

message 26: by Barbara (new)

Barbara | 4434 comments Mod

message 27: by Claudia (new)

Claudia (claudiavstoomanybooks) | 1779 comments Congrats Varla and Lauren :)

Lauren (Sugar & Snark) | 1262 comments Mod
Thanks :)
I haven't done this challenge in age but I think I will try and remember to do it every month from now on. I might need to get Lu to remind me though I really am a ditz!

message 29: by Barbara (last edited Aug 20, 2012 04:29AM) (new)

Barbara | 4434 comments Mod
Just like you haven't updated the series madness challenge in months. Even though you might win that one if you did. :)

message 31: by Barbara (new)

Barbara | 4434 comments Mod
The challenge asks for books not novels, so anything is allowed. I myself have read some strange books for challenges. :)


message 32: by Carolien (new)

Carolien (carolien_s) | 2624 comments Mod
Barbara wrote: "The challenge asks for books not novels, so anything is allowed. I myself have read some strange books for challenges. :)


I'm glad since probably about a third of the books that I read are non-fiction so I need them to fit in all over the place. I have read a pile of them for the Mzanzi challenge as well. Still a few to go there.

message 33: by Barbara (new)

Barbara | 4434 comments Mod
Just read the challenges and tasks carefully. Most will ask for a book. So that can mean any book. Fiction, non-fiction, etc. It might even be the dictionary. :) As long as you read it cover to cover. Of course some tasks will ask for a novel and sometimes even a specific genre. If you need help looking for loop holes in tasks just ask me or one of the Laurens (F or S). We are real good in finding loop holes. :D

message 34: by Carolien (new)

Carolien (carolien_s) | 2624 comments Mod
Barbara wrote: "Just read the challenges and tasks carefully. Most will ask for a book. So that can mean any book. Fiction, non-fiction, etc. It might even be the dictionary. :) As long as you read it cover to cov..."

Thanks I'll do that when I run out of ideas!

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