UK Book Club discussion

Illuminating the Darkness: Blacks and North Africans in Islam
This topic is about Illuminating the Darkness
Authors - Book Promotions > Birmingham Book Launch Sat 4th Aug 2012

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Habeeb Akande (habeebakande) | 1 comments BIRMINGHAM BOOK LAUNCH AT THE HUBB ARTS CENTRE ON SATURDAY 4th AUGUST 2012

Habeeb Akande (Author) and other guest speakers

Exclusive video screening and book sigining by the author

Book synopsis
Illuminating the Darkness is about elevating the status of Blacks and North Africans in Islam.

The book critically addresses common misconceptions, tackling controversial issues such as racism, interracial marriage and slavery.

The book also presents a compilation of short biographies of esteemed Muslims of African descent in history.

Islam, history, Africa, Religion, Racism, Colourism

Please come and join us

Venue: The Hubb 9A Toney Lane, Sparkbrook, Birmingham, B12 8DL (next to Aldi Sparkbrook)

Book will also be available to buy on the day

Habeeb Akande

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