The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword discussion

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message 1: by Lynxie (last edited Aug 16, 2012 08:10PM) (new)

Lynxie I ponder many things... mostly surrounding writing, reading or the art of both at once. I shall share with you all some of my work, some of the things I have enjoyed, or hated.

To start us off on our journey, here are some rather amusing strange words:

To be poisoned by cheese

The practice of writing on one side of the paper

The worship of one's self

Unfamiliar, rare, strange, marvelous, wonderful. For example: Goodreads is such a selcouth website!

The sensation that someone is mentally undressing you

Suspended by a single thread

Smelling like horse urine

The inability to recall a precise word for something
I'm sure we've all had this one!!

Pertaining to midnight

The incorrect or excessive use of the letter M

One who pretended to know more than they do to impress others

The urge to stare at women who are sitting with crossed legs

I shall share some of my less articulate writings later! :D

message 2: by Lynxie (last edited Aug 19, 2012 04:32PM) (new)

message 3: by ℂᖺαᖇᒪἷ℮ ⊰1017 &Tardis⊱, This is my witty title (head mod) (new)

ℂᖺαᖇᒪἷ℮ ⊰1017 &Tardis⊱ (charlie_awesome) | 766 comments Mod

message 4: by Lynxie (new)

Lynxie Here's my newest one... it's not suitable for people under the age of 18, so please don't read it if you're not 18 yet!

message 5: by Lynxie (last edited Aug 24, 2012 10:02PM) (new)

Lynxie Because we all deserve to have a good snort or giggle.


Sorry it's a crappy quality pic, couldn't find any better.

message 6: by Lynxie (new)

Lynxie Feel free to check out my new writing blog:

message 7: by Lynxie (new)

Lynxie Thanks Caitlyn :) I am glad you enjoyed it!

message 8: by Lynxie (new)

Lynxie If anyone is interested, I have a blog I've just started.

I'd love it if you'd pop in and say hi, or follow me on twitter @coffee2words

message 9: by ℂᖺαᖇᒪἷ℮ ⊰1017 &Tardis⊱, This is my witty title (head mod) (new)

ℂᖺαᖇᒪἷ℮ ⊰1017 &Tardis⊱ (charlie_awesome) | 766 comments Mod
I love how you blogged about the story you wrote for this contest! AWESOME!

message 10: by Lynxie (new)

Lynxie I try to blog about anything that's writing related charlie :D

message 11: by ℂᖺαᖇᒪἷ℮ ⊰1017 &Tardis⊱, This is my witty title (head mod) (new)

ℂᖺαᖇᒪἷ℮ ⊰1017 &Tardis⊱ (charlie_awesome) | 766 comments Mod
Yeah but it makes me feel special :D
And even better because you won :)

message 12: by Lynxie (new)

Lynxie Aww... well in that case that's nice :D

Thanks for checking out my blog!

message 13: by ℂᖺαᖇᒪἷ℮ ⊰1017 &Tardis⊱, This is my witty title (head mod) (new)

ℂᖺαᖇᒪἷ℮ ⊰1017 &Tardis⊱ (charlie_awesome) | 766 comments Mod
Anytime :D

message 14: by Lynxie (new)

Lynxie I've been interviewing a couple of authors I know from Goodreads on my blog. :D

message 15: by ℂᖺαᖇᒪἷ℮ ⊰1017 &Tardis⊱, This is my witty title (head mod) (new)

ℂᖺαᖇᒪἷ℮ ⊰1017 &Tardis⊱ (charlie_awesome) | 766 comments Mod

message 16: by Lynxie (new)

Lynxie Yep, the second one went live this morning. It was an interview with Karen A. Wyle author of Twin-Bred

message 17: by Lynxie (new)

Lynxie I'm hoping to get some writing done while I'm on holidays. The plan is to get some blog entries done now to post while I'm away (so no writing of them required) which hopefully means I'll get a chance to write my story!!

message 18: by Lynxie (new)

Lynxie Right, well no writing was done while on holidays. I did just post my entry into this months competition though! Head over there if you want up check it out!

message 19: by Lynxie (new)

Lynxie Boo!

*runs and hides*

message 20: by Lynxie (new)

Lynxie Just Chillaxin in my little portfolio here Kggelen... that is all :P

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The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword

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