1209500 A.S.'s Friend Comments

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message 6: by P.T.

P.T. Michelle Thank you so much for the friendship. Love your books! :)


message 5: by Sara

Sara Simply amazing! =) I just finished and wrote a quick review.

message 4: by Sara

Sara Oh yes! It already seems so complex and offers something very different than the books I usually pick up but that only makes it more exciting. As unique as it is, it incorperates a lot of elements I hold dear- so that too, makes it enjoyable. As for the quote, I LOVE it. I was laughing out loud when I read it. In fact all of your responces to the interview questions I have read are very funny!

message 3: by Sara

Sara Thank you for accepting =)
I am 62 pages into D100D.
I am really loving it so far

Shadonna Thanks for the add. Have a great week!

message 1: by Joe

Joe you are cool

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