1218394 Maria's Friend Comments

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Jessie Terwilliger Happy Friday to you Maria!

message 41: by Lisette

Lisette Brodey Hi Maria:

It's such a pleasure to meet you! I visited your website. I love the way you've done it! Great WINDOW into your world.

Best wishes,

Christine Hi from down under Maria. Stopped by to see what’s new with you.
Please take a look at SFA.

Blessings CJ

for-much-deliberation  ... Hi Maria
Thanks for the friendship!!

message 38: by Andrea

Andrea Kulman Hi Maria. I thought I would drop in to see how you are. I hope 2009 is treating you GREAT!

message 37: by Saleh

Saleh Thanks For The Answer.

message 36: by Saleh

Saleh Hi.What We Talk About When We Talk About Love?PLZ Answer The Question In My Profile.

message 35: by Beth

Beth Hi Maria,
Thanks for befriending this US mystery author!

message 34: by Chase

Chase Von Hi Maria and I just wanted to thank you for the connect here:)

I do hope this message finds you well


Chase Von:)

message 33: by Letitia

Letitia Thanks for the good wishes, Maria. Always happy to find a fellow author.

message 32: by Wendy

Wendy Laharnar Hello Maria,
I entered the contest on Cindy Bauer's site. She wrote a lovely review of your novel, A Time To Tell. Congratulations.

Stacy-Deanne Stacy-Deanne Hello, sending warmth and love your way!

message 30: by Liz

Liz Hey Maria,
Thanx for the book recomendation,
I'll have to check it out,

message 29: by Jeannie

Jeannie Faulkner Barber Thanks Maria for the recommendation!I'll have to check it out.

message 27: by Liz

Liz Hey Maria, your welcome. Thank you for being my friend on Goodread's.

Have a blessed day,

message 26: by Liz

Liz Hey Maria,
Thanx for adding me,

Stacy-Deanne Stacy-Deanne Hello, I posted a sample of Melody on my page. Check it out and vote if you want to! Best Wishes!

message 24: by Daysha

Daysha Thanks!!!!

Stacy-Deanne Stacy-Deanne Hello, just passing through to say hello! Look forward to being your friend here! Best Wishes!

message 22: by Andrea

Andrea Kulman Hi there. I hope all is well with you...

message 21: by Andrea

Andrea Kulman Hi Maria. I saw that you were online at the same time. I hope you are having a very blessed day. Andrea M. Kulman, Author of The Drama Unfolds.

Brigid ✩ hi! thanks for the add! :D

message 19: by Lee

Lee Thanks for being my goodreads buddy, Maria!

My new romantic suspense, The Twist is a Bookstrand #1 Bestseller! A story of mind-bending control and unnerving metamorphosis, The Twist unravels the tale of a hotshot consultant as he struggles to foil a plot to steal $12 million and to rescue the feisty, female scientist who has stolen his heart.



Lee Silver
"Romance With a Twist"
THE TWIST, BookStrand #1 Bestseller

SassyMama Hi, Maria...nice to meet you and WELCOME to goodreads...Congrats on your books...and best of luck in the future...looking forward to chats, reviews and any/all recommendations...have a blessed weekend...and Happy Reading & Writing :-)

message 17: by Janie

Janie Pendleton Thank you for the invite! Looking forward to reading your reviews and work!

Janie Pendleton, Novelist

message 16: by Bradley

Bradley Greetings and salutations, I hope you are having a good day. =)

message 15: by Barbara

Barbara Thanks for understanding! Really appreciate it! And I hope you as well have a great day!;)

message 14: by Barbara

Barbara Sorry about that! I was raised with the mentality that I shouldn't stereotype anyone... I never thought it would apply to names, too! hee hee :) Umm... you do look a little hispanic and Maria is a common hispanic name, so.... I jumped to conclusions. Once again, my sincerest apologies! :) So, have any plans for the week/ weekend? Well, hope all is well and have a great day! ;)

message 13: by Barbara

Barbara Hi Maria!
Thanks for the friend request! Hey, silly question! Do you speak spanish? If so, that's really cool because so do I!:) Well, take care and have a great day!

message 12: by Andrea

Andrea Kulman Thanks for the wishes of luck... :o)

message 11: by Daniel

Maria, I've added Coincidences and your other book to my to-read list.

message 10: by Andrea

Andrea Kulman Hi there. Just wondering if you have received it yet.

Andrea Kulman Hi, Maria. The book is on it's way...

Andrea Kulman Hi, Maria. Thanks for responding... :o)

message 7: by Maria

Maria Hi Letitia, I don't live in London now, I'm in Hertfordshire but my parents still live in London so I visit quite a lot. It's a great City, but at the moment I'm happy living closer to the countryside. I was living in London when I wrote my first two novels and both are based in London, just because I'm familiar with the City I suppose. I think I tend to write about things I know about or have experienced and so there's not too much research required. Also, if you read my books you will see that they are quite character driven. I think as a writer you tend to absorb things around you and then they come out in the writing, if that makes sense!

Letitia How is London lately? Haven't been there in... my gosh, six years. Do you do all your writing in London or do you travel for research...?

Andrea Kulman Hi, Maria. Thanks for being a friend on Good Reads. Andrea M. Kulman, Author of The Drama Unfolds.

message 4: by Maria

Maria Thank you for your comment Rosemary, and I hope you enjoy reading the novel.

Rosemary Maria, your exploration of dysfunctional family life looks fascinating. You write on a subject of continual interest to me.

message 2: by Maria

Maria Thanks Bree! Looks much better now it's not so blank!

message 1: by Bree

Bree this space looked all blank and i didnt like that so im writing in it! Maria is a great friend who is caring and always answers your messages!

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