1332207 Elana's Friend Comments

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message 10: by Richard

Richard Dominguez thank you for the friend

Jessica Thanks for accepting my friend request!! I love your book possessions. I can't wait to read your other books as well :-) thanks again for added me

Keisha Thanks for accepting my friend request=oD

message 6: by Gary

Gary Revel It's great to have you as a friend ELENA:

My memoir - TO LIVE OR MAYBE NOT is at Barnes and Noble, Amazon.com and other book sellers worldwide. It includes details of my birth, youth, US Navy Service, music-Hollywood, Memphis, Nashville, Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination Investigation, recording and releasing the single record THEY SLEW THE DREAMER about the MLK assassination.

Paperback and Nook Book

Links to more Jongleur books and book sellers.

Ms. MiLo Thanks for the add Elana! Looking forward to reading your books :)

Ivanna Hey.! :)
Thanks so much for taking part in the hunt yesterday.! I really enjoyed it.! :)
I found so many great books that I can't wait to read.!:)
I can't wait to read your book.! :)
Thanks again,
Ivanna.! :)

Cheryl Landmark Thanks for accepting my friend request, Elana.

message 2: by Jaree

Jaree Francis Hey there, Ms. Elana!

- Jay

message 1: by Taffy

Taffy I didn't realize you lived in Pleasant Grove!

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