18657168 Riley's Friend Comments

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message 6: by Riley

Riley Hart Sandra wrote: "Hi there thanks for the request look forward to talking books with you."

Thanks! Can't wait to chat books with you too!

message 5: by Riley

Riley Hart Melissa *Pervy Nerd ;)* wrote: "Thanks for the friendvite Riley!! Looking forward to chatting with you! :)"

Thanks! Look forward to chatting with you too!

Sandi ♥'s way too many M/M books Hi there thanks for the request look forward to talking books with you.

message 3: by Riley

Riley Hart Swilliams305 wrote: "Thanks for the invite Riley!"

Thank you! Can't wait to chat books with you!

Swilliams305 Thanks for the invite Riley!

message 1: by Riley

Riley Hart Em - everyone's got a darkside ;) wrote: "Hi Riley, thanks for the friend invite ;)"

Thanks for accepting. I see you added "Love the Sinner". SO good. I'm reading book two now!

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