22691080 Will's Friend Comments

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message 9: by James

James Tivendale Hey Will,

Thank you for adding me.

I have had a quick browse through the summaries of your books and they seem really interesting. I have been recently researching Lafayette and I know he was a character present around Marie Antoinette's and Louis the XVI's era. Which of your books would you recommend me checking out first?

If you would like me to review any of your books then by all means message me and we can sort something out.

I hope you are having a good day.

James x

message 8: by Laura

Laura Thanks for the friendship Will!

Lianne Hi Will, thanks for the friend request! Happy reading & writing :)

message 6: by Beth

Beth Hi Will,
Thanks for sending a friend request to this fellow Goodreads author!

Debbie "DJ" Hi Will, Thanks for the friendvite :) I've got to move your book further up on my TBR list!

message 4: by Cindi

Cindi Thanks for the request, Will. :)

message 3: by SoundofSilence_BookFan (last edited Oct 16, 2013 01:27AM)

SoundofSilence_BookFan Congrats! Was very excited to finally see Marie Antoinette's Head, after very impatiently re-syncing my e-reader. Preorders arrived just after midnight!Marie Antoinette's Head: The Royal Hairdresser, the Queen, and the Revolution

message 2: by Robin

Robin Craig Clark Hello Will, thank you for being my friend.
Peace and happiness be with you,

Christine Hatfield Thanks for being my friend

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