26367680 Stephen's Friend Comments

Comments (showing 17-66)    post a comment »

message 66: by Sandy

Sandy Parsons "Was he big, or was he real big?" -from Big Driver, that scary moment when you realize there's an even bigger one. Yikes!

Happy Birthday to the biggest of them all.

message 65: by G.A.

G.A. Miller Happy Birthday Mr. King! Hope you find enjoyment in all you do today.

message 64: by Doreen

Doreen Petersen Reading through the Dark Tower series. Loving every bit of it. Thank you for writing it.

message 63: by G.A.

G.A. Miller Now that you've shared the path that Danny Torrance took as he grew up, I sincerely hope you'll wonder whatever became of Mark Petrie, and whether he ever decided to return and find out if the fire was as cleansing as Ben thought it would be...
'Salem's Lot was my introduction to your work, and will always be my favorite. No matter where life takes us, we always remember our first.

Ann Marie Happy birthday to my second favourite author (my first being my kids... who also read your books)!!! Keep being wonderful and have a lovely day! xo

message 61: by Karen

Karen Malena Okay, this isn't going to be an "I'm your number one fan" note. I want to tell you what your writing has meant to me. I've read your books since I was in my twenties. Through my life, I've always wanted to write my own stories but was laughed at even by family members. Flash forward to about eight years ago when I read your amazing book, "On Writing." A true life-changer! Not only is that the handbook for anyone interested in penning a more crisp style of writing, but re-reading my favorite books of yours every couple years also is like sitting with you in a schoolroom, watching the master spin his craft.

I'm near the end of "Doctor Sleep" which is a brilliant piece of writing. I have "The Shining" sitting right next to it as a reference book, and am amazed at your settings, sentence structure, extremely powerful writing. As always, this book is a winner.

Here's to you my teacher! Keep doing what you're chosen to do. Oh, and by the way, I am your number one fan. Karen Malena

message 60: by Doreen

Doreen Petersen Looking forward to seeing you and Lee Childs at the Harvard Bookstore on Sept. 9. I'm sure it will be a great evening!

message 59: by Doreen

Doreen Petersen Just finishing up Full Dark, No Stars. So close to the end that I just can't put it down until I finish. Today was a rough day for me. The 11th yr anniversary of my Dad's death and I was feeling really low but reading your book Mr. King helped get me through the day. Thank you so much and hope all is well with you.

message 58: by Tanja

Tanja Hal Sorry that I`m late..Happy, happy, happy birthday and best wishes:)

message 57: by Celeste

Celeste Happy Birthday!! *.*
Thank you for sharing your wonderful imagination with us.


message 56: by Itsaso

Itsaso Happy Birthday Mr. King!!!

message 55: by Doreen

Doreen Petersen Just finished reading Dr. Sleep tonight and all I can say is WOW! There were parts you put it there that I never expected and kept me totally addicted to the book! I would definitely recommend your writing to everyone. You are the master Mr. King!

message 54: by Aloy

Aloy Stephen King = THE KING

message 53: by Antuan

Antuan Vance Thank you for accepting my request. It made my day. You are my favorite author. You have been an inspiration.

Gayathri Arun Kumar Thanks for accepting my request. My best birthday gift this year is friendship with my favourite author.

message 51: by Sharon

Sharon Finally able to put an advanced hold on Mr. Mercedes with my library. Cannot wait to read it!

message 50: by Bonnie

Bonnie Domrois Thank you Mr. King for accepting my friend request. I look forward to discussing all things literary with a fellow bibliophile.

message 49: by Heather

Heather Walsh Hi Stephen,

I am honored that you accepted my friend request. I'm reading On Writing for the third time. Hands down my favorite book on writing after Elements of Style (but I think you'll forgive me for putting that one first).


message 48: by Jovi

Jovi Hello! :) Thank you for accepting my request. Like the rest of your followers, I, too, am a fan since HS after reading "Needful Things". Getting hooked in your books made me write books for my own pleasure. I did two and, I suspect, will remain unpublished. "One day", I keep telling myself :)

I sometimes muse over the possibility of you working with John Ajvide Lindqvist one day. That may be a long shot, but a girl can dream, right? ;)

Stay safe always! :)

message 47: by Nayeomi

Nayeomi Thank you Stephen King for accepting my friend request. A long time ago, a gangly 14 year old me picked up your book IT and haven't been the same ever since. If i could produce a quarter for all the nightmares your books gave me! But i still keep reading them.

I am very much honored, sir. Looking forward to meeting you someday and shaking your hand. And ask for a book sign of course. Well, duh. :)

message 46: by Camila

Camila Zagal Hey Stephen, thank you so much for accepting my friend request! I really enjoy The Shinning and Pet Sematary so much and hoping to read the rest. i am a big fan.
- Camila from Mexico City ;D

message 45: by Paolo

Paolo Hey Stephen, thank you for accepting my friend request! So happy.
-CR from Mexico City

message 44: by James

James Lawless Thanks for accepting my friend request Stephen. I just finished your book On Writing which I enjoyed; particularly hilarious -- the scene about the the wild feminist lesbian.
Best wishes,

message 43: by C.J.

C.J. Anderson Thank you for all that you do. Carrie is on my reading list next.

message 42: by Gillian

Gillian Thanks for excepting my friends request. I've read and loved loads of your books. The Shining was the first one of your books that I read many years ago, I've been a big fan of horror ever since.

I've read one of your Son's books as well, he is also a very talented author. It must run in your family! :)

message 41: by Karen

Karen Malena Thank you kindly for accepting my friend request! You are a teacher to me, the greatest storyteller, and now, a friend on Goodreads. Karen Malena, Monroeville, PA

message 40: by Vane

Vane Thanks for accepting my friend request.
I´m so happy !
Grettings from Peru ;)

message 39: by Debbie

Debbie Thank you for adding me as a friend! I am so thrilled. I love reading your books.

message 38: by Mike

Mike Marsbergen Thanks for adding me as a friend! You're an absolute inspiration. The way you weave your 'world' and have it all connect-- it changed how I approach my own writing. Thank you, and I hope you continue to write stories for many more years.

ManaChelle Thank you for accepting my friend request! Is it lame that I got really excited to see that I was like # 2 thousand something?!
You're work is Amazing. Top 5 favorite author. I know when one of your books come out I'm not going to be disappointed . Also, I know I probably won't sleep till the book is done..but, it's always worth it :)

message 36: by S.

S. Rutherford Thank you for accepting my friend request. :) You have always been, and will always be, my idol (no seriously!). I have never found someone to be considered my idol until I first picked up Carrie in school. From then on, you've been my guy.

I've read your book On Writing, and even though I loved the story of Carrie, On Writing has got to be my favorite of them all--purely because of the knowledge you instilled within it. Learning about your background has made me feel more comfortable with mine (we share a very similar history with writing). Everything you've taught, I've taken to heart. My copy looks worse than any textbook I've ever owned because of all the highlighting, marginal notes, and dog ears I've done to it, but it just goes to show how strongly I find your word on the craft.

message 35: by Denise

Denise Thank you for adding me to your friends. I love your writing, especially the way you write about young people growing up. You are the best.

message 34: by Constanza (last edited Apr 09, 2014 02:19PM)

Constanza Thank you for accepting my friend request and for all the wonderful stories you've giving us through the years! greetings from Chile! :)

Ann Marie Oh my gosh I'm so star struck! Thank you for accepting my friend request!

I just want to say that I sold 'On Writing' to a whole lineup of people at a coffee shop as I laughed my ass off while reading it at a nearby table. So great! Thank you!

message 32: by Tamás (last edited Apr 09, 2014 01:28PM)

Tamás The usual "thanks for accepting the friend request", but a little more too:

Your books got me into reading, when I was something like 10 years old. I'm on a mission to read everything you ever published, and I'm crazy with anticipation for every new book you announce. "On Writing" was a great insight, and helped me a lot...
You are my idol. (Well, one of my idols, anyway... :D But there aren't a lot. :D)

message 31: by Jasmina

Jasmina Jurišić Thanks for accepting my friend request!
Woohoo, you're the best. <3
Greetings from Croatia!

message 30: by Marko

Marko Rančić Thank you for accepting my friend request, Mr. King! Greetings from Serbia!!!

message 29: by Vanessa

Vanessa If this is the real Stephen King, then I am over the moon that you accepted my friend request :D This is so awesome! :)

Christopher Mechling Dear Mr. King,

Thanks for choosing to be my friend on Goodreads. You've accomplished so much as an author, and it's an honor for me, as a debut author, to connect with you this way.

Best Regards
Christopher Mechling

message 27: by Darren

Darren Thank you for accepting my friend request. You made my day!

message 26: by Mai

Mai AbdelWahab thanx for accepting my request , greetings from Egypt ^_^

message 25: by J.P.

J.P. Mac Appreciate your accepting my friend request. Your work has had a huge influence on me.

Plus we share a mutual acquaintance in Greg Shepherd who used to work at ABC. After your accident, he said ABC wanted to send you some horror movies and asked me for recommendations. I think I suggested, among others, "Curse of the Demon" and "The Cat People."

All the best!

message 24: by Sara

Sara Ribeiro Thanks for accepting my friend request :)

message 23: by Sarah

Sarah Thank you for accepting, made my day! :) Hope you're well. I haven't seen the lights on at your house much lately when I drive by; you must still be in Florida.

 ♕ ❤  ♕ Princess pink diamonds posh bird LINZY.x.♕ ❤ ♕ Thank you Stephen,It's an honour to be your friend.I'm writing my first book,a drama,and my dream is to be as famous as you one day.
You're the greatest and your surname king does you justice.I re-watched 'Misery" for the umpteenth time as I watch and read them all.
Have a great day.

László Mr. King, thanks for the friend request acception! I turly respect this moment. :)

message 20: by Jose

Jose Thank you for accepting my friend request! You made my day! :D

message 19: by Lisa

Lisa Reads & Reviews Thanks for accepting my friend request. You're my writing hero author guy!

Derrolyn Anderson Thanks for friending.
I could start gushing about how much your books have meant to me throughout my reading life, but you've already heard that a million times. You made my day :)

message 17: by Aric (last edited Mar 22, 2014 08:06PM)

Aric Cushing I loved this book. It was very difficult to stop reading between my Le Bistro, automatic pet feeder meals. Very, very difficult. It didn't have that amazing lead character (like in Cujo), but I like this even better. Mr. King, can't you write a sequel, like you did with The Shining? Everyone seems to love sequels these days, even pugs. Very few novels can keep me from my meals, but this one, unlike others, did.
[image error]the Pug's SALEM'S LOT photo photo_zpsd6623426.jpg">

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