4148044 Terry's Friend Comments

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message 17: by Sarah

Sarah Arnette Here is my blog post for First King of Shannara. The Shannara series is what got me in my "I love Books" lifestyle and got me started with the Fantasy worlds.


♡ ~ Francesca ~ ✎ Thank you so much for being my friend!! I really love your books Terry!!!! Thanks so much! :)

message 15: by Chris

Chris Thanks so much for accepting my friend request Terry. Sword of Shanarra was the very first fantasy novel I read, and it blew me away. I have not found a novel that has come close to it since (although the Elfstones and Wishsong similarly blew me away). Those three novels are what inspired me to write, and your novels continue to entertain me and inspire me today. Thanks so much again!

Lótë (Iris) Thanks for accepting my friend invite. :)

message 13: by Amanda

Amanda Fanger Terry Brooks just added me as a friend! Thank you so much! I had a slight nerd moment when I saw the notice in my inbox - that tends to happen when my favorite author accepts my Goodreads friend request :D

Thanks agian - Write on!

message 12: by Jenelle

Jenelle Thanks for adding me as a friend :) I have a whole bookshelf of your books in my living room. I'm really enjoying the latest additions to the world of Shanarra, thanks so much for writing such wonderful stories.

message 11: by Theresa

Theresa I'm so excited to be a friend of yours!!
I've loved your work for many, many years;
and am really enjoying the direction you're
Taking it.
Keep up the good work:)

Kimberley Thanks for becoming my friend Terry! I have been a fan of your books for nearly 10 years now, and I think your stories are amazingly original and the characterisation nothing short of brilliant. Thank you for enriching the fantasy genre with your work!

message 9: by John

John Ames Thank you so much for accepting my friend request... :-)

message 8: by Shawn

Shawn Wickersheim Thank you for accepting my friend request. I had the pleasure of meeting you a few times over the years at book signings in the Chicagoland area and hope you'll be returning to visit Illinois again someday soon. I discovered The Sword of Shannara in my school library back in the 80s and immediately fell in love with not only the book, but also the fantasy genre. You are one of the main reasons I am a fantasy author today - so thank you very, very much.

Have a great day!

Sharon Delarose Delighted to be your friend! Back around 1980 I bought a used car out in California and your book, The Sword of Shannara, was on the dashboard. I've been a huge fan ever since! For me, the other writers in your genre are wannabe's compared to you. None can hold a candle to your ability to weave the most incredible stories, some of which I've read multiple times. Your talent is truly awesome!

message 6: by Rick

Rick Ludwig Thank you for accepting my friend request. I thought I had read every Shannara book until I realized that the Knight of the Word series actually was the precursor for the Genesis of Shannara series. I have now read "Running with the Demon" and am headed for "Knight of the Word". Thank you for continuing to write these wonderful stories.

message 5: by Ned

Ned Ludd Thank you for accepting my friend request Terry. Your material is the shit!

message 4: by Sean

Sean Wadley Thank you for accepting my friend request, Terry!! You've completely and utterly made my day! The Shannara series is absolutely brilliant!

Branwen Sedai *of the Brown Ajah* Thanks for accepting my friend request, Terry! :) I am a huge fan of your Landover series, and I just recently finished the first book in the Shannara series, which I absolutely loved! I can't wait to read the rest! :)

message 2: by Tegan

Tegan I love all the recommendations you post! It's always nice to hear about new books that someone loved them! Looking forward to reading them :)

Katy Budget Books Thank you for accepting our friend request. We are avid fans here at the store!

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