5375028 Ernest's Friend Comments

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message 3: by Paula

Paula Thanks for friending! What a thrill for me - Ready Player One is officially #1 of my all-time favorite books. As a techie, sci-fi lover and a tv/music/atari lovin teenager of the 80s, it was like the book was written just for me! To say I am a fan is an understatement! Can't wait to read more of your work!

message 2: by Marco

Marco Mérida Ready Player One is the best sci-fi book i've ever read, all the memorabilia really send me to the world you've made.
I just wanted to thank you for the book, every single page was a delight, and thaks for accepting my friend request :D

message 1: by La Petite Américaine (last edited Jun 03, 2012 03:50PM)

La Petite Américaine thanks for accepting my friend request. Now please stop playing on goodreads and write like twenty more books right NOW. (j/k) Ready Player One kicked serious ass. :-D

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