5415403 T.R.'s Friend Comments

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message 7: by T.R.

T.R. Locke Hey Everyone,
Today is the last day the 2nd edition of my book will be offered for free on Amazon Kindle. If you haven't downloaded it, or if you missed the previous free run (about a month ago), here's your chance to pick up my bestseller free one last time--especially if you were one of the 806 readers who signed up for the signed 1st edition giveaway. This is the last free promo period, so please tell friends and fam and let folk know. Right now, it's #1 & #2 in its two categories. #1 in Kindle for Music Business and #2 for Humor/Entertainment: TV&Video. Thanks for you help in making it a bestseller. Please share.
All my best,
Remember, too, the book can be read on all devices: android phone, PC/Mac, kindle, tablet, i-pad, i-phone with the free Kindle app--Or even online in the Kindle Cloud reader.

message 6: by T.R.

T.R. Locke Hey Everyone,
Today and tomorrow (Thurs/Fri) are the last 2 times my book will be offered for free on Amazon Kindle. If you haven't downloaded it, or if you missed the previous free run (about a month ago), here's your chance to pick up my bestseller free one more time. This is the last free promo period, so please tell friends and fam and let folk know. Right now, it's #1 & #2 in its two categories. #1 in Kindle for Music Business and #2 for Humor/Entertainment: TV&Video. Thanks for you help in making it a bestseller. Please share.
All my best,
Remember, too, the book can be read on all devices: android phone, PC/Mac, kindle, tablet, i-pad, i-phone with the free Kindle app--Or even online in the Kindle Cloud reader.

message 5: by Becca

Becca Hi T.R. :D

Kelly/yllektra Thanks for adding me! :)

message 3: by T.R.

T.R. Locke Leon wrote: "Thanks for adding me as your friend. I think you'd like my books. There's a lot of humor in them.

Leon Shure"

Sounds good. I look forward to reading them.

message 2: by T.R.

T.R. Locke Melita Christina wrote: "Thank u T.R. for ur invite :-)

Happy writing and reading!!


Thank you, Melita.

message 1: by Leon

Leon Shure Thanks for adding me as your friend. I think you'd like my books. There's a lot of humor in them.

Leon Shure

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