8068573 Stephen's Friend Comments

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Stephen Richards Abbey wrote: "I always look forward to your new books Stephen and just wanted to let you know how your recent books have been part of my life. I mean how my life is moving forward because of them and I do now al..."

Abbey wrote: "I always look forward to your new books Stephen and just wanted to let you know how your recent books have been part of my life. I mean how my life is moving forward because of them and I do now al..."

Abbey, Your thoughtfulness knows no bounds.
Thank you,
Stephen Richards

message 2: by Stephen (last edited Jan 14, 2013 01:18PM)

Stephen Richards Abbey wrote: "I always look forward to your new books Stephen and just wanted to let you know how your recent books have been part of my life. I mean how my life is moving forward because of them and I do now al..."

Abbey wrote: "I always look forward to your new books Stephen and just wanted to let you know how your recent books have been part of my life. I mean how my life is moving forward because of them and I do now al..."

Abbey, I am humbled by your words of kindness, thank you.

message 1: by Abbey

Abbey Pope I always look forward to your new books Stephen and just wanted to let you know how your recent books have been part of my life. I mean how my life is moving forward because of them and I do now always have an 'air of expectancy' as you put it xxx

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