Boyce Withington

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“Scholars have argued that without humanism the Reformation could not have succeeded, and it is certainly difficult to imagine the Reformation occurring without the knowledge of languages, the critical handling of sources, the satirical attacks on clerics and scholastics, and the new national feeling that a generation of humanists provided. On the other hand, the long-term success of the humanists owed something to the Reformation. In Protestant schools and universities classical culture found a permanent home. The humanist curriculum, with its stress on languages and history, became a lasting model for the arts curriculum.”
Steven Ozment, The Age of Reform 1250-1550: An Intellectual and Religious History of Late Medieval and Reformation Europe

“He turned and saw Becky, crying in the doorway of her house. What was he doing here? Turning back he saw flashing blue lights at the end of the road, and realised the ringing in his ears was the sound of approaching sirens.”
R.D. Ronald, The Zombie Room

Tanya Thompson
“Few know it, but the Devil rewards insurrection. After all, rebellion is the original sin, and he did conceive it.”
Tanya Thompson

Irvine Welsh
“«Che c'è?» gli chiese Kibby, notando il suo sorriso contemplativo.
«Stavo solo pensando che se cadessi in una botte con le Corrs nude, finiresti con il chitarrista che ti ciuccia l'uccello» sghignazzò Skinner.”
Irvine Welsh, The Bedroom Secrets of the Master Chefs

Martin Amis
“I wouldn’t have minded a rather more detailed conclusion (to Pride and Prejudice) — say, a twenty-page sex scene featuring the two principals, with Mr. Darcy, furthermore, acquitting himself uncommonly well.”
Martin Amis The Atlantic

year in books
Shayne ...
92 books | 4 friends

Leonor ...
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Lorene ...
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Earlie ...
187 books | 4 friends

224 books | 19 friends

106 books | 8 friends

Collen ...
69 books | 17 friends

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