Rex Loston

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Yvonne Korshak
“It had happened. Thucydides, his archrival, was a general. Glaucon, from his own tribe, was a general. And Pericles was no longer a general. He was just a citizen with one vote. And an idea”
Yvonne Korshak, Pericles and Aspasia: A Story of Ancient Greece

Chuck Dixon
“I am in the service of lost boys struggling to be good men.”
Chuck Dixon, Robin: Year One

Thomas More
“that men are more effectively drawn together by goodwill than by pacts, by hearts rather than by words.”
Thomas More, Utopia

Max Nowaz
“It’s the opportunity of a lifetime,” said Ito finally, who had been keeping very quiet
up to this point.
“Indeed. How much will it cost?” asked Brown
“About twenty million Interplanetary Credits,” said Demba. “A modest investment for
a man of your means.”
“Indeed,” said Brown again. That was all the money he had, which started to strike
him as strange, when his thoughts were interrupted.
“We’ll arrange a visit to the mine,” said Ito. “Show you the place itself.”
“Indeed,” said Brown. Or had he said that? The strange waking memory he had fallen
into started to become repetitive. Reality started to flow back in.
Diamonds, thought Brown. All those diamonds in that mine.”
Max Nowaz, The Arbitrator

Chris Cleave
“Psychiatry in this place is like serving an in-flight meal in the middle of a plane crash. If I wanted to make you well, as a doctor, I should be giving you a parachute, not a cheese-and-pickle sandwich.”
Chris Cleave, Little Bee

year in books
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August ...
100 books | 34 friends

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