Rosella Bozinovich

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Charles Dickens
“I loved you madly; in the distasteful work of the day, in the wakeful misery of the night, girded by sordid realities, or wandering through Paradises and Hells of visions into which I rushed, carrying your image in my arms, I loved you madly.”
Charles Dickens, The Mystery of Edwin Drood

Jasper Fforde
“…Tell me, has anything odd happened to you recently?
What do you mean, odd?'
Unusual. Deviating from the customary. Something outside the usual parameters of normalcy. An occurrence of unprecedented weird.”
Jasper Fforde, Lost in a Good Book

John Steinbeck
“It’s all fine to say, “Time will heal everything, this too shall pass away. People will forget”—and things like that when you are not involved, but when you are there is no passage of time, people do not forget and you are in the middle of something that does not change.”
John Steinbeck, Cannery Row

Martin Heidegger
“It is wrong to oppose to objects an isolated ego-subject, without seeing in the Dasein the basic constitution of being-in-the-world; but it is equally wrong to suppose that the problem is seen in principle and progress made toward answering it if the solipsism of the isolated ego is replaced by a solipsism en deux in the I-thou relationship. As a relationship between Dasein and Dasein this has its possibility only on the basis of being-in-the-world. Put otherwise, being-in-the-world is with equal originality both being-with and being-among.”
Martin Heidegger, The Basic Problems of Phenomenology

Aravind Adiga
“تتخمر الكثير من الأفكار الغريبة في قلبك حين تمضي وقتاً طويلاً مع الكتب ,, القديمة ..”
Aravind Adiga, The White Tiger

year in books
242 books | 36 friends

145 books | 24 friends

189 books | 44 friends

Fairy W...
194 books | 19 friends

0 books | 22 friends

Verda H...
0 books | 24 friends

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