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“Every day that passed, the young woman thought more and understood less”
Sergio Cobo, A Story of Yesterday

John Hersey
“The crux of the matter is whether total war in its present form is justifiable, even when it serves a just purpose.”
John Hersey, Hiroshima

Günter Grass
“The Radaune pounded along against the muddy tide that knew but one direction, deftly avoiding sandbanks with the aid of constantly changing pilots. To right and left, beyond the dikes, the same flat landscape with occasional hills, already harvested. Hedges, sunken lanes, a hollow basin with broom, a level plain between the scattered farms, just made for cavalry attacks, for a division of uhlans to wheel in from the left onto the sand table, for hedge-vaulting hussars, for the dreams of young cavalry officers, for battles long past and battles yet to come, for an oil painting: tartars leaning forward, dragoons rearing up, Brethren of the Sword falling, grandmasters staining their noble robes, not a button missing from their cuirasses, save for one, struck down by the Duke of Mazowsze, and horses, no circus has horses so white, nervous, covered with tassels, sinews rendered with precision, nostrils flaring, crimson, snorting small clouds impaled by lowered lances decked with pennants, and parting the heavens, the sunset’s red glow, the sabers, and there, in the background—for every painting has a background—clinging tightly to the horizon, with smoke rising peacefully, a small village between the hind legs of the black stallion, crouching cottages, moss-covered, thatched, and inside the cottages, held in readiness, the pretty tanks, dreaming of days to come when they too would be allowed to enter the picture, to come out onto the plain beyond the Vistula’s dikes, like slender colts among the heavy cavalry.”
Günter Grass, The Tin Drum

Diane Merrill Wigginton
“Bringing her eyes down again, Catherine found herself gawking at Jake’s perfectly formed, muscular chest and stomach. She felt her cheeks flush when she he noticed that his towel was still parted, showing off a very lean, muscular leg.”
Diane Merrill Wigginton, A Compromising Position

Lisa Kaniut Cobb
“Josh's heart soared as he got a taste of the power and endurance in his elk body.”
Lisa Kaniut Cobb, Down in the Valley

year in books
Al Vill...
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334 books | 34 friends

Jason F...
190 books | 59 friends

Ivy Taps
2 books | 21 friends

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