Francis Kemerer

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S.E. Hinton
“En el campo…
En el campo… Me encantaba el campo. Quería estar lejos de las ciudades,
lejos de la excitación. Sólo me apetecía tumbarme de espaldas bajo un árbol y
leer un libro o dibujar, y dejar de preocuparme porque me asaltaran, dejar de
llevar una faca o terminar casado con alguna fulana como una cabra. Así debía
de ser el campo, pensé ensoñadoramente.”
S.E. Hinton, The Outsiders

Cricket Rohman
“When Hannah’s life hangs in the balance, is Trace willing to face his greatest fear to rescue the woman he loves?”
Cricket Rohman, Colorado Takedown

Susan  Rowland
“The fire on the mountain.” That was Anna. “Alchemy,” she said. “I feel it singing in my bones.”
“Singing?” Mary would never understand Anna. The young woman turned away.
Wiseman’s reply was tinged with respect.
“That great pair of alchemists, Francis Ransome and Roberta Le More, believed the work they did affected the world’s spirit, the anima mundi. The Native Americans they met believed they too could and should interact with the Great Spirit. They lived with reverence for the land and all its peoples, the ancestors, the animals, the rocks, the trees, mountains.” 
Mary’s jaw dropped; Caroline glowed; Anna pretended not to listen. Wiseman nodded, then continued.
“You mean…?” began Mary.
“Yes, it could have been so different, a meeting of like-minded earth-based spiritualities. Just imagine, what could have been?”
Susan Rowland, The Alchemy Fire Murder

“But now, after everything that’s happened, after everything I’ve seen—I realize that I’m fighting for the future. Our future.”
Pittacus Lore, The Revenge of Seven

Maurice Sendak
“Herman Melville said that artists have to take a dive, and either you hit your head on a rock and it splits your skull and you die, or, that blow to your head is so inspiring that you come back up and you do the best work you ever did. But — you have to take the dive. And you do not know what the result will be.”
Maurice Sendak

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38 books | 41 friends

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