Dessie Comissiong

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A.R. Merrydew
“Artificial Intelligence never stops for lunch. The human race will loose their place at the table very soon.”
A.R. Merrydew

Dean Mafako
“The reality is that the lives of the smallest patients are in our hands, and their clinical condition can change in an instant. No matter how many times you are involved in situations such as this, the physical stress and anxiety as well as the emotional and psychological effects of being immersed in that environment are dramatic and lasting on the human body, mind, and central nervous system. These effects are severe, and I firmly believe that they are cumulative over your lifetime.”
DEAN MAFAKO, M.D., Burned Out

“The Kielburgers are extremely accomplished and educated people who have demonstrated that they know how to build an organization, sell a vision, and court powerful people. If they had wanted to make loads of money and eat caviar on a private yacht, they could have taken lucrative private-sector jobs and done just that. It is absurd to think that they instead decided to work sixteen-hour days for twenty-five years, spend hundreds of days per year apart from their families, and invest everything they had in building a global charity—all as a means to funnel money back to themselves.”
Tawfiq S. Rangwala, What WE Lost: Inside the Attack on Canada’s Largest Children’s Charity

Therisa Peimer
“Aurelia frowned. "Are you saying that you hang around the women at court to gather intel?" "Oh, Your Grace, you are quick on the uptake," he said with an impressed look on his face. "It's not fair. Flaminius always gets the hot ones. Does he have to get the smart ones too?”
Therisa Peimer, Taming Flame

Susan  Rowland
“Waiting for the correct time to descend for cocktails, Mary sat on her bed and reviewed her impressions of the house party one by one. Belinda Choudhry M. P. she knew least. As mother of murdered Perdita, she was sure to be a volatile addition.”
Susan Rowland, Murder On Family Grounds: A Mary Wandwalker Mystery

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