Newton Starley

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Patrick Süskind
“Kişiyi oraya götüren yol nice yanılmalardan, rastlantılardan, hayal kırıklıklarından geçiyor.”
Patrick Süskind

Pearl S. Buck
“Hope must come out of what we have, or it is not hope, but a dream.”
Pearl S. Buck, Dragon Seed: The Story of China at War

Max Nowaz
“Every morning when I wake up, I ask myself, "Why was I born?" Then I answer myself, "You were born to be successful." If you can learn to define your own success and not let others dictate it, you can find      fulfilment.”
Max Nowaz, The Polymorph

Vladimir Nabokov
“I looked and looked at her, and I knew, as clearly as I know that I will die, that I loved her more than anything I had ever seen or imagined on earth. She was only the dead-leaf echo of the nymphet from long ago - but I loved her, this Lolita, pale and polluted and big with another man's child. She could fade and wither - I didn't care. I would still go mad with tenderness at the mere sight of her face.”
Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita

Therisa Peimer
“Why do you have such faith in me, Aurelia?" 
"I've told you a million times that I love you, you make me feel safe and cherished, and you care deeply for our people. Why wouldn't I have faith in you?”
Therisa Peimer, Taming Flame

year in books
176 books | 26 friends

Karima ...
157 books | 15 friends

127 books | 28 friends

0 books | 21 friends

1 book | 9 friends

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