Shashank Reddy

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Oscar Wilde
“Never marry at all, Dorian. Men marry because they are tired, women, because they are curious: both are disappointed.”
Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

Friedrich Nietzsche
“The great man of the masses. It is easy to give the recipe for what the masses call a great man. By all means, supply them with something that they find very pleasant, or, first, put the idea into their heads that this or that would be very pleasant, and then give it to them. But on no account immediately: let it rather be won with great exertion, or let it seem so. The masses must have the impression that a mighty, indeed invincible, strength of will is present; at least it must be seen to be there. Everyone admires a strong will, because no one has it, and everyone tells himself that, if he had it, there would be no more limits for him and his egoism. Now, if it appears that this strong will is producing something very unpleasant for the masses, instead of listening to its own covetous desires, then everyone admires it all the more, and congratulates himself. For the rest, let him have all the characteristics of the masses: the less they are ashamed before him, the more popular he is. So, let him be violent, envious, exploitative, scheming, fawning, grovelling, puffed up, or, according to the circumstances, all of the above.”
Friedrich Nietzsche, Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits

T.D. Jakes
“No woman wants to be in submission to a man who isn't in submission to God!”
T D Jakes

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