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Cindee Snider Re
“...we fail to live in the moment. We miss the laughter, beauty and joy in our midst, trading them for stress, frustration, anxiety and anger. We forge ahead consumed with the destination while missing the journey. In a sense, we're taking God's precious gift of presence and time and telling Him it isn't what we want, that we don't have the time.”
Cindee Snider Re, Finding Purpose: Rediscovering Meaning in a Life with Chronic Illness

Cindee Snider Re
“Maybe it's less about what we can do than about how much we can love. More about walking with others through the pain than seeking a solution for the pain. Maybe presence is our greater purpose.”
Cindee Snider Re, Finding Purpose: Rediscovering Meaning in a Life with Chronic Illness

Ernst Bloch
“No dreaming may stand still, for this bodes no good. But if it becomes a dreaming ahead, then its cause appears quite differently and excitingly alive. The dim and weakening features, which may be characteristic of mere yearning, disappears; and then yearning can show what it really is able to accomplish.”
Ernst Bloch, On Karl Marx

Cindee Snider Re
“What if illness - the stripping away of our health, our dreams, our understanding of who we are and what our future holds - is really a gift - God offering Himself to us unencumbered by all the noise, all the things that clutter our hearts and so easily fill our days? Because what if that quiet, stripped-away space is where hope is found? Where God leans in close whispering love to our weary souls until it becomes as familiar as the beating of our own hearts?”
Cindee Snider Re, Discovering Hope: Beginning the Journey Toward Hope in Chronic Illness

bell hooks
“We cannot fully create effective movements for social change if individuals struggling for that change are not also self-actualized or working towards that end. When wounded individuals come together in groups to make change our collective struggle it is often undermined by all that has not been dealt with emotionally.”
bell hooks, Sisters of the Yam: Black Women and Self-Recovery

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