Christine Ashby

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Anaïs Nin
“Djuna, you're taking me to the bottom of the sea to live, like a real mermaid."
"I must be a mermaid, Rango. I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living. But you, poor Rango, you're from the mountain, water is not your element. You won't be happy."
"Men from the mountains always dream of the sea, and above all things I love to travel. Where are we sailing now?" - Anaïs Nin, The Four-Chambered Heart,”
Anaïs Nin

Cormac McCarthy
“Where is Shelby, whom you left to the mercies of Elias in the desert, and where is Tate whom you abandoned in the mountains? Where are the ladies, ah the fair and tender ladies with whom you danced at the governor's ball when you were a hero anointed with the blood of the enemies of the republic you'd elected to defend? -Cormac mcCarthy, Blood Meridian”
Cormac mcCarthy

Truman Capote
“I am me, ' Joel whooped. 'I am Joel, we are the same people.”
Truman Capote

Colette Gauthier-Villars
“He varied his theme, embellished it with vocalizations , fell in love with his voice, became this distraught, intoxicated and panting singer, whom one listens to with the unbearable desire to see him sing.-Colette, Les Vrilles de la Vigne”

Colette Gauthier-Villars
“I shall have everything ... and I shall lean over the edge of a white terrace smothered with the roses of my gardens and shall see the lords of the earth, the wanderers, pass by!'" - Colette, La Vagabonde”

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