Aidana S

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David R. Hawkins
“Chronic, unrecognized anger and resentment reemerge in our life as depression, which is anger directed against oneself. If pushed further into the unconscious, it can re-emerge as psychosomatic illnesses. Migraine headaches, arthritis, and hypertension are frequently cited examples of chronic suppressed anger.”
David R. Hawkins, Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender

Alexander Lowen
“Authenticity is closely related to the voice. The word personality has two different meanings. It is derived from the persona, a mask Greek actors wore to dramatize more clearly the role they were playing. On the other hand, the word persona means “by sound,” per sona. The authentic person can be recognized behind the mask by the sound of his voice. The voice is a major avenue of self-expression, and its quality reflects the richness and resonance of the inner being. When one's voice is limited because of neck and throat tensions, one's self-expression is restricted and one's being is reduced.”
Alexander Lowen, Fear of Life: The Wisdom of Failure

Anna Lembke
“The paradox is that hedonism, the pursuit of pleasure for it's own sake, leads to anhedonia. Which is the inability to enjoy pleasure of any kind.”
Anna Lembke, Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence

Alexander Lowen
“Few people in our culture have the courage to be themselves. Most people adopt roles, play games, wear masks, or put up facades.”
Alexander Lowen, Fear of Life: The Wisdom of Failure

Alexander Lowen
“The ability to contain excitation or feeling is self-possession. It is the third stage in the therapeutic program. The first two are self-awareness and self-expression. Self-possession is the stage in which the ego functions as the standard-bearer of a self that knows who it is and what it has to do. The self possesses an ego. It is the stage in which the self experiences its being as a fully mature man or woman.”
Alexander Lowen, Fear of Life: The Wisdom of Failure

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