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Deborah Bray Haddock
“When experiences or emotions become too overwhlming, the mind clevely encapsulates the material and stores it for safe-keeping. Many people respond this way in the face of trauma, but the additional step that occurs in this process, in the case of DID, is the formation of distinct ego states that carry the experience.”
Deborah Bray Haddock, The Dissociative Identity Disorder Sourcebook

Charles M. Blow
“I don't know how to describe the sound of a world crashing. Maybe there is no sound, just a great emptiness, an enveloping sorrow, a creeping nothingness that coils itself around you like a stiff wire.”
Charles Blow, Fire Shut Up in My Bones

“When you go through a traumatic event, there's a lot of shame that comes with that. A lot of loss of self-esteem. That can become debilitating.”
Willie Aames

“Traumatic events challenge an individual's view of the world as a just, safe and predictable place. Traumas that are caused by human behavior. . . commonly have more psychological impact than those caused by nature.”
American Psychological Association, The APA Dictionary of Psychology

Oliver Oyanadel
“The days of my youth can be described as my innocence hitting every obstacle along the way while plummeting into the abyss.”
Oliver Oyanadel, 4 Parables

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