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Bill Hicks
“I believe that there is an equality to all humanity. We all suck.”
Bill Hicks

Bill Hicks
“Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves.”
Bill Hicks, comedian and social critic (1961-1994)

Bill Hicks
“I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out.”
Bill Hicks

Bill Hicks
“You see, I think drugs have done some good things for us. I really do. And if you don't believe drugs have done good things for us, do me a favor. Go home tonight. Take all your albums, all your tapes and all your CDs and burn them. 'Cause you know what, the musicians that made all that great music that's enhanced your lives throughout the years were rrreal fucking high on drugs. The Beatles were so fucking high they let Ringo sing a few tunes.”
Bill Hicks

Bill Hicks
“Wouldn't you like to see a positive LSD story on the news? To base your decision on information rather than scare tactics and superstition? Perhaps? Wouldn't that be interesting? Just for once?

"Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration – that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather.”
Bill Hicks

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