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Michael  Grant
“Sam could not help but be pleased. "So. Astrid needs me."

Brianna rolled her eyes. "Yeah, Sam, you're still necessary. You're like a god to us mere mortals. We can't live without you. Later we're going to build you a temple. Satisfied?”
Michael Grant, Lies

Michael  Grant
“It takes me a while to figure things out, doesn't it?" Edilio grinned. "Do me a favor. When you find Astrid, repeat that to her, word for word, the part about how it takes you a while. Then remember her exact reaction and tell me.”
Michael Grant, Fear

Michael  Grant
“She was no longer theirs.

She was his.

And he was hers.

And this was their world.”
Michael Grant, Fear

Michael  Grant
“Let me guess: you're secretly a wizard who was raised by muggles.”
Michael Grant, Gone

Michael  Grant
“Dekka laughed... "Sam: you're still the leader. You're always going to be the leader. It's not something you choose: it's something you are.”
Michael Grant Plague

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