Adrienn Wiebe

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Mitta Xinindlu
“Friendship should be fair. It becomes charity if you’re always the giver and the other person the receiver …and without reciprocation.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Catharina Maura
“Let’s normalize walking away from toxic situations. You don’t have to stick it out when your mental health is taking a beating, just because that’s what everyone expects of you. It’s okay to reassess and decide whether or not a situation is still acceptable”
Catharina Maura, The Wrong Bride

Lemony Snicket
“I will love you as we find ourselves farther and farther from one another, where once we were so close that we could slip the curved straw, and the long, slender spoon, between our lips and fingers respectively. I will love you until the chances of us running into one another slip from skim to zero, and until your face is fogged by distant memory, and your memory faced by distant fog, and your fog memorized by a distant face, and your distance distanced by the memorized memory of a foggy fog. I will love you no matter where you go and who you see, no matter where you avoid and who you don’t see, and no matter who sees you avoiding where you go. I will love you no matter what happens to you, and no matter how I discover what happens to you, and no matter what happens to me as I discover this, and no matter how I am discovered after what happens to me happens to me as I am discovering this. I will love you if you don’t marry me. I will love you if you marry someone else – your co-star, perhaps, or Y., or even O., or anyone Z. through A., even R. although sadly I believe it will be quite some time before two women can be allowed to marry – and I will love you if you have a child, and I will love you if you have two children, or three children, or even more, although I personally think three is plenty, and I will love you if you never marry at all, and never have children, and spend your years wishing you had married me after all, and I must say that on late, cold nights I prefer this scenario out of all the scenarios I have mentioned. That, Beatrice, is how I will love you even as the world goes on its wicked way.”
Lemony Snicket, The Beatrice Letters

Curtis Tyrone Jones
“You don’t have a self confidence issue, you have a self acceptance issue. Once you genuinely accept yourself, you don’t need to ‘be confident’ anymore, you can just ‘be’ yourself.”
Curtis Tyrone Jones

“Guilt is an outward expression of self degradation. It is acceptance of one’s culpability, indiscretion, liability, sin, dereliction, and harm without resolving the crime, violation, or wrong. Guilt desires to remain hidden, hence, the paying for confessions to alleviate responsibility. Where shame separates you from social and cultural obedience, guilt brings you closer to the deceiver such as religion. Guilt is dancing with the devil and calling yourself good.”
Deborah Bravandt

year in books
549 books | 37 friends

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136 books | 31 friends

71 books | 26 friends

118 books | 3 friends

1,168 books | 78 friends

Shelby ...
110 books | 13 friends

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