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Richard P. Feynman
“Physics is to math what sex is to masturbation.”
Richard Feynman

Thomas Jefferson
“Those who expect to be both ignorant and free, expect what never was and never will be.”
Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson
“If, therefore, from the settlement of the Saxons, to the introduction of Christianity among them, that system of religion could not be a part of the common law, because they were not yet Christians; and if, having their laws from that period to the close of the common law, we are able to find among them no such act of adoption; we may safely affirm (though contradicted by all the judges and writers on earth) that Christianity neither is, nor ever was, a part of the common law.

['Whether Christianity is Part of the Common Law?', letter to Dr. Thomas Cooper, from Monticello, February 10, 1814]”
Thomas Jefferson, Letters of Thomas Jefferson

Anton Chekhov
“The teacher must be an actor, an artist,passionately in love with his work.”
Anton Chekhov

Isaac Asimov
“Whenever I have endured or accomplished some difficult task -- such as watching television, going out socially or sleeping -- I always look forward to rewarding myself with the small pleasure of getting back to my typewriter and writing something.”
Isaac Asimov

year in books
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