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Zbigniew Herbert
“Svoje dogodovštine zabavno opisuje engleski crtač Edvard Dodvel. Radio je na Akropolju, koristeći camera obscura - prototip fotografskog aparata koji je davao umanjenu sliku građevina, mada je na crtežu omogućavao očuvanje proporcija reprodukovanih spomenika kulture. 'Jednoga dana, dok sam crtao Partenon svojom camera obscura, vidno uznemireni komandant garnizona upitao me je kakve to čarolije izvodim svojom neobičnom mašinom.' Dodvel pokušava da mu objasni, demonstrirajući rad svoga aparata. Turski oficir je i time preneražen. 'Videći to (...) promenih ton i zapretih mu da ću ga staviti u svoju crnu kutiju ako mi bude smetao i malretirao me.' Od tog vremena Dodvel je neometano radio.”
Zbigniew Herbert, Lavirint nad morem

Zbigniew Herbert
“cemeteries grow larger the number of defenders shrinks
but the defense continues and will last to the end
and even if the City falls and one of us survives
he will carry the City inside him on the roads of exile
he will be the City

we look at the face of hunger the face of fire the face of death
and the worst of them all—the face of treason

and only our dreams have not been humiliated”
Zbigniew Herbert, The Collected Poems, 1956-1998

Zbigniew Herbert
I thank you for creating the world beautiful and various

and for allowing me in Your fathomless goodness to visit places which were not the sites of my daily torments”
Zbigniew Herbert, The Collected Poems, 1956-1998

Adam Mickiewicz
“Krzyknę, ześ Ty nie ojcem świata, ale... Carem!”
Adam Mickiewicz, Dziady część II, IV i I

“The idea of the Solar System dates back to 250 BC when Aristarchus of Samos suggested that the planets revolved around the Sun. This is called the heliocentric model, and was largely ignored until astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus confirmed it during the sixteenth century.”
IP Factly, 101 Facts... Solar System

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