Edgar Oliver

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Jarod Kintz
“It’s me and you, or me and knitting. Don’t make me choose. Ugh, #love.”
Jarod Kintz, Love quotes for the ages. Specifically ages 18-81.

Jarod Kintz
“I often wear camouflaged pants so when I walk I look like a floating torso. I love with the same air of mystery.”
Jarod Kintz, Love quotes for the ages. Specifically ages 18-81.

Jarod Kintz
“To Do Today, 1/17/08
1. Sit and think
2. Reach enlightenment
3. Feed the cats”
Jarod Kintz, I Should Have Renamed This

Jarod Kintz
“If you only had 48 hours left to live, would you spend it like you normally spend your weekends? If not, why spend 2/7th of your life wasting your free time? After all, free time isn’t free. Free time is the most expensive time you have, because nobody pays for it but you. But that also makes it the most valuable time you have, as you alone stand to reap the profits from spending it wisely.”
Jarod Kintz, I Should Have Renamed This

Jarod Kintz
“In a bookstore you can find me in the romance section, because I’m not a lover, I’m a reader.”
Jarod Kintz, Love quotes for the ages. Specifically ages 18-81.

year in books

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