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“It is love; love, the comfort of the human species, the preserver of the universe, the soul of all sentient beings, love, tender love.”
Voltaire, Candide

Stewart Stafford
“When the condemned man saw the gallows, he knew the hypocrisy of life was over and that lies would serve him no more. He mumbled some defeated truths and left this world. The spectators were aghast and fascinated as the body swung and was still. They went about their business.”
Stewart Stafford

“How many plays have been written in France?' Candide asked the abbe.

'Five or six thousand.'

'That's a lot,' said Candide. 'How many of them are good?'

'Fifteen or sixteen,' replied the abbe.

'That's a lot,' said Martin.”
Voltaire, Candide

W.B. Yeats
“Things fall apart;
the center cannot hold...”
William Butler Yeats, The Collected Poems of W.B. Yeats

William Shakespeare
“What piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving, how express and admirable in action, how like an angel in apprehension, how like a god! The beauty of the world. The paragon of animals. And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?”
William Shakespeare, Hamlet

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