2011 Reading Challenge
Participants 146,863
Books Pledged 9,565,567
Avg. Books Pledged 65
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Anne has read 312 of 300 books in 2011.
  • Strands of Mermaid Hair by Maria Rachel Hooley
  • The Ultimates 3 by Jeph Loeb
  • Batman by Grant Morrison
  • Batgirl, Vol. 1 by Bryan Q. Miller
  • Astonishing X-Men by Warren Ellis
  • Thor by Rob Rodi
  • Superman by J. Michael Straczynski
  • A Foreign Affair by Caro Peacock
  • The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher
  • Superman by Kim Howard Johnson
  • View More ▾
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message 1: by C.J. (new)

C.J. Edmunds Woohoo! Upping the ante eh? :)

message 2: by Anne (new)

Anne Yeah, it's not as cool as you think though. I looked at it, and over 100 of my 'books' are graphic novels. If I kept it up I would have beaten my goal too easily.

message 3: by C.J. (new)

C.J. Edmunds Anne wrote: "Yeah, it's not as cool as you think though. I looked at it, and over 100 of my 'books' are graphic novels. If I kept it up I would have beaten my goal too easily."

So looks like it's gonna be "real" books from now on. ;)

message 4: by Anne (new)

Anne Ha! As if! No, I just figured I'd better make my reading challenge a little harder.

message 5: by C.J. (new)

C.J. Edmunds Hehehe. Like maybe All Marvel and no DC reading? ;)

message 6: by Anne (new)

Anne LOL! NO, apparently I'm on a DC kick right now...at least according to what is coming in at my library. As it is I've got to hurry up and read some of the books I've got checked out!

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More like Anne's 2011 books

  • Batman & Robin, Vol. 1: Batman Reborn
  • Green Lantern: War of the Green Lanterns
  • Green Lantern, Volume 10: Brightest Day
  • Green Lantern Corps, Volume 8: The Weaponer
  • Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors
  • War of the Green Lanterns: Aftermath
  • Green Lantern Corps, Volume 7: Revolt of the Alpha-Lanterns
  • New X-Men Omnibus
  • Final Crisis
  • War of the Green Lanterns: Aftermath