2012 Reading Challenge
Participants 289,150
Books Pledged 16,925,550
Avg. Books Pledged 58
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Thomas has read 86 of 75 books in 2012.
  • The Flight of Gemma Hardy by Margot Livesey
  • Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend by Matthew Dicks
  • Butter by Erin Jade Lange
  • The Gallic Wars by Gaius Julius Caesar
  • The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth
  • The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer
  • The Stranger by Albert Camus
  • Between Mom and Jo by Julie Anne Peters
  • Gemini Bites by Patrick Ryan
  • Unbearable Lightness by Portia de Rossi
  • View More ▾
Comments Showing 1-19 of 19 (19 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by Nancy (new)

Nancy Good luck on your challenge this year, Thomas.

message 2: by Thomas (new)

Thomas Thanks Nancy, you too!

Ralph Gallagher Don't forget out challenge to see who can read the most Pulitzer books! ;)

Ralph Gallagher Our*

message 5: by Thomas (new)

Thomas Oh yes, I must work on that... so many books to read, so little time!

message 6: by Devina (new)

Devina That's so true, if only we could freeze time and keep on reading *sighs*

message 7: by Gerrrrry (new)

Gerrrrry Congrats on meeting your reading challenge! :D

message 8: by Thomas (new)

Thomas Thank you! I can't believe this is the first time I've met it. -_-

message 9: by Robert (new)

Robert congrats thomas!

message 10: by Thomas (new)

Thomas Thanks Robert!

message 11: by Robert (new)

Robert where do u usually buy your books?

message 12: by Thomas (new)

Thomas I usually buy my books from Barnes & Noble, as it's the closest bookstore to where I live and I'm a member of their rewards program.

message 13: by Robert (new)

Robert nice! are u fil-am?

message 14: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Congrats on completing your challenge. I just finished my challenge of 100 books and I realize what a time commitment that is. I'll admit that I put off reading some of the longer books in my queue so as to be sure and finish the challenge by year end.
BTW... you should check out paperbackswap.com & bookmooch.com I get many of the books in my to-read queue from them and it's much more economical.

message 15: by Thomas (new)

Thomas It definitely is a time commitment, but one that is worth it. I remember last year I think I added a children's book to my shelf just for the sake of finishing my challenge, so you're not alone.

I used to use paperbackswap.com but it became too much of a hassle for me with all of the books I was trading. Now I use the library more often and occasionally the book store. Thanks for the recommendations though, perhaps I'll check them out again some time in the future!

message 16: by Nancy (new)

Nancy Congrats, Thomas! I'm close to completing mine too.

I'm on Paperbackswap and Bookmooch, but have nothing for trade at the moment. If you want to add me as a friend there, I'm Gashlycrumb.

message 17: by Stephen (last edited Dec 22, 2012 01:09PM) (new)

Stephen Actually, my best source of cheap books lately has been thrift stores. One in my area has a ten books for a dollar deal and another has a five books for a dollar deal.

Their inventory glut has turned out to be a great way to fill out my catalogue... and for some strange reason sifting through scores of unsorted books at low low prices is much less frustrating for me than going into a full price bookstore and realizing I should have printed out a list of my 'must acquire' books before I got there.

message 18: by Thomas (new)

Thomas Nancy, I'll add you if I ever decide to rejoin either of those sites!

Also, yes, thrift stores have always sounded appealing - I need to find where those are in my area and utilize them. Thanks for all the suggestions as to where I can purchase books. :)

message 19: by Nancy (new)

Nancy My local library sells paperbacks for 50 cents and hardbacks for $1.00. Every once in a while I find something unusual. The Salvation Army store used to be my favorite thrift shop for books until they changed their hours.

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  • Being a Witch, and Other Things I Didn't Ask For
  • Being a Witch, and Other Things I Didn't Ask For
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