2021 Reading Challenge
Participants 5,649,824
Books Pledged 306,760,011
Avg. Books Pledged 54
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Thomas has read 94 of 60 books in 2021.
  • This Is One Way to Dance by Sejal Shah
  • House of Sticks by Ly Tran
  • Freedom Is a Constant Struggle by Angela Y. Davis
  • Tell Me How to Be by Neel Patel
  • Everybody by Olivia Laing
  • Blue Skinned Gods by S.J. Sindu
  • Please Don't Sit on My Bed in Your Outside Clothes by Phoebe Robinson
  • My Broken Language by Quiara Alegría Hudes
  • Just Last Night by Mhairi McFarlane
  • The Sweetness of Water by Nathan  Harris
  • View More ▾
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message 1: by Thomas (new)

Thomas For anyone curious: I chose 60 because BlackPink's most recent single "Lovesick Girls" is 3 minutes, 12 seconds long. I added 3 + 1 + 2 = 6 and decided 60 would fit. Lol, I feel like enjoying the process of reading is more important than quantity of books read. Anyway, between working on my dissertation, teaching two classes this year, clinical work, and all my outside of work stuff, wish me luck (and I'm wishing everyone else luck on their reading goals)! :)

message 2: by Terri (new)

Terri Wishing you luck Thomas!

message 3: by Ink&Paper (new)

Ink&Paper  Good luck!

message 4: by Michael (new)

Michael good luck, Thomas!

message 5: by Thomas (new)

Thomas Thank you all! :)

message 6: by Christine (new)

Christine You have read some really impressive titles so far, Thomas! I have no doubt you will make your goal of 60!

message 7: by AllBookedUp (new)

AllBookedUp You're more than half way there! You can do it!!

Seek all the magic in life, for it's always there.
゚゚* (。^‿^。) * ゚゚

message 8: by Karthika (new)

Karthika woah that's so thoughtful. Love when people tell their strory over why they choose a certain number!! I am plenty late but All the best.

message 9: by Gabriela (new)

Gabriela Munoz Doing awesome!

message 10: by derp (new)

derp Annndd you’re done!

message 11: by Thomas (new)

Thomas Thank you so much for all the support everyone! I chose 60 to be safe because I defended my dissertation in May and am in the process of applying for internship (Ph.D. in Psychology equivalent of med school residency) so I wasn't sure if I'd have time to read, however. I guess I made time. :) So appreciate the Goodreads community's supportiveness!

message 12: by Marcos (new)

Marcos 60 books?! How do you find the time?

message 13: by QueenAmidala28 (new)

QueenAmidala28 I don't understand how you read all these books and successfully finished grad school!! Youre amazing! Congrats!

message 14: by Kerri (new)

Kerri Congratulations on the reading, but more important everything else you have accomplished this year!

message 15: by Thomas (new)

Thomas Thank you so much everyone for your kind words! In terms of how I read this many books, I generally 1) don't watch TV so that time goes to reading books, 2) utilize reading books as self-care, and 3) find at least a little time per day to read. The incentive to leave reviews here on GR and connect with folks is helpful too. Yay reading!

message 16: by Manki (new)

Manki Congrats on all your accomplishments this year! You are my *reading goals*. <3

message 17: by Thomas (new)

Thomas Awww that means so much Manki, thank you! Hope you're doing well both within and beyond reading. :)

message 18: by Fini (new)

Fini Abu-Toboul Thomas wrote: "For anyone curious: I chose 60 because BlackPink's most recent single "Lovesick Girls" is 3 minutes, 12 seconds long. I added 3 + 1 + 2 = 6 and decided 60 would fit. Lol, I feel like enjoying the p..."

This method for deciding on a goal is actual perfection yooo

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More like Thomas's 2021 books

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  • Childfree by Choice: The Movement Redefining Family and Creating a New Age of Independence
  • The End of Policing
  • Let This Radicalize You: Organizing and the Revolution of Reciprocal Care
  • Hopeful Girls, Troubled Boys: Race and Gender Disparity in Urban Education
  • The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settler-Colonial Conquest and Resistance, 1917-2017
  • As We Have Always Done: Indigenous Freedom through Radical Resistance (Indigenous Americas)
  • Dancing On Our Turtle's Back: Stories of Nishnaabeg Re-Creation, Resurgence, and a New Emergence