2011 Reading Challenge
Participants 146,863
Books Pledged 9,565,567
Avg. Books Pledged 65
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Josh has read 157 of 150 books in 2011.
  • Internecine by David J. Schow
  • The Night Season by Chelsea Cain
  • By the Nails of the Warpriest by Nik Korpon
  • The Point by Gerard Brennan
  • The Killing of Emma Gross by Damien Seaman
  • Getting Off by Jill Emerson
  • Satori by Don Winslow
  • Blood Oath by Christopher Farnsworth
  • Lights Out by Jason Starr
  • A Bad Day for Pretty by Sophie Littlefield
  • View More ▾
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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

You're doing ok still. I have fallen behind, need to read 15 more books by the end of the month to catch up.Eeek.

message 2: by Josh (new)

Josh I dont feel so bad then - only have 8 books to read by the end of the month to read the half way mark, but I like to have a 3-4% buffer :-)

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More like Josh's 2011 books

  • The Venom Business
  • The Murderer Vine
  • Money Shot (Angel Dare #1)
  • House Dick
  • The Dead Man's Brother
  • Small Mercies
  • House Dick
  • The Troop
  • The Blackbird (Alan Grofield, #3)
  • The Punisher Presents: Barracuda